Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23


I'm in english and we were finishing our essays that we started the other day. I never technically started mine, but I thank God I was a writer. People were mumbling throughout the class and Mr. Will didn't seem to mind, so Jake and I decided to have a conversation of our own as well.

"I know the only reason you mentioned you were on the football team to Asher earlier was so that I would invite him to go to the game," I glanced at Jake and back down at my paper with a secret smile on my face. Jake looked at me, his dimple peaking through his smile.

"I knew you'd get the memo Kit-Kat, but I just figured I'd help you out," he smiled at me. "Get your foot out the door." I looked at him with my lips to one side and flirtatious eyes. "That's what friends do." I nodded once huffing my breath.

"I guess so..." I paused. "But thank you.... I guess you did help," I told him.

"Haha! You're welcome-"

"But just know I could've done it on my own," I said quickly. He really laughed.

"Yeah right! Along with sweaty hands, and throbbing legs." I gasped at him slapping his arm.

"Shut up, I am not a boy! Guys sweat a lot through their fingers when their nervous. Girls just play with their hair or mess with there hands," I told him earing a whole sentence on my essay.

"How come I never seen you play with your hair or fingers around me then, Kit-Kat?" Jake asked me seriously. I brushed him off glancing at him and back at my paper.

"As if. I bet your hands are sweating right now just talking to me," I looked at him, up for the challenge.

"Nohuh," he smiled at me with small eyes. "My hands are dry as a desert."

"Gimme," I asked for them. He gave me his hands and honestly they weren't that sweaty at all, but I just wanted to mess with him anyway.

"Ew! They are! I make you nervous!" I chanted.

"What! No way!" He pulled them back.

"Yes way! I can't believe I make Jake Lander nervous, liiike ohmygaaawd," I over exaggerated looking down at my work, holding in a laugh.

"Haha! Not true Dawn, my hands are dry," he protested with a smile seeming to believe me as he looked down at them.

"Nope. I make you nervous. No question about it," I shook my head.

"God, I hate you Kit-Kat." I grinned at him.

"As I hope you do."

I continued to do my work and Jake did eventually, but I noticed he kept glancing at me every now and then and finally, he decided to strike up another conversation. I wonder why.

"So you're going to the movies tomorrow for sure?" He asked me. I nodded sweetly.

"Hmmmhuh. I'm really excited. We're going to see The Darkness. I'm not much a scary movie gal, but if it means having an excuse to cuddle next to Asher like you said will happen, I'll do it," I nodded once pointing at Jake. He chuckled looking at me effortlessly.

"Right...right." I shaped my lips to one side, tapping my pencil on my chin, as I looked at Jake who was writing his essay again. I narrowed my eyes at him.

" you think Asher really likes me?" I had to ask him seriously. Jake looked at me, staring at my chocolate brown eyes. He didn't say anything for a second longer than usual, and I leaned in a little, my body facing him, my legs crossed. He blinked out of it.

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