Chapter 2

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Tobin told moe"I'll tell u later"moe said"whatever"so then Tobin and moe walked slowly to the entrence of the hotel,then as Tobin reached for the door she felt a hand in hers she thought it was Alex but it was said "u haven't said a word to me since we were at the cafe"."I'm sorry"Tobin said looking at the picked tobins head up with her thumb to look at her."it's ok just tell me what's going on"
"What makes u think somthing is going on pressy"."first of all u always look at the floor when ur sad or somthing is up im ur best friend I hope after Kelley"press said as she looked at Kelley who was inside with Alex.

"Ok press u got me but we can't talk here"Tobin said as she pulled press on the arm dragging her to the bathroom.

Tobin started "ok so I kinda may have a crush on Someone""omg Tobin who is it"christen pretended to be exited.all christen thought in her head was how can she not know I like her.tobin said "u can't tell her""wait hold on Tobin it's a her ur gay"christen said as she looked Tobin straight in the eye.

Tobin was scared now cause she only told her parents and Kelley that she was gay and her parents kicked her out of the house but Kelley took her to her house and took care of her since high school and that's why Kelley is her best friend.

"Yes I'm gay press and I like Alex Morgan"Tobin said as she walked towards the door to walk out,but then press grabs her hand and pulls her back."why didn't u tell me Tobin"press said as she was frowning cause Tobin liked someone else and not her.

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