Chapter 17

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"What do u want Tobin"Christen said in a plain expression.

"I need to talk to u pressy"

"U don't get to call me that anymore"

"I'm sorry how many times do I have to tell u"

"I don't know but what do u want to talk about"

"Ugh I...I miss u"Tobin said stuttering.

"Ya sure u do I bet u and Alex are in a fight and ur just trying to get over her then when u and her make up ur just going to break my heart again"

"No I'm not I really do miss u that's why I came cause I wanted to ask u on a date"

"Ya Tobin I think we should just stay friends until u figure thinks out between u and Alex".

Christen shut the door and Tobin isn't know what to do so she stood in front of the door for a couple minutes.

"What happened with u two"Julie asked

"U know how I said I missed Tobin"


"Well she kinda misses me too and was asking me on a date"

"Oh what did u say"

"I said we should just stay friends"

"I thought u wanted her back"

"I know but she's just Ganna play me and I can't go through that pain again"

"Oh I get it u made the right choice"

Tobin finally came back to reality when she heard a voice behind her

"Hey tobs u ok"

Tobin looked behind her and saw Ashlyn.Ashlyn was the only one in the team who understood her.

"Ya ya I'm fine I think"

"U think ok well what's wrong"

"Well um I miss christen and came here to ask her on a date but she said no cause she thought I was just Ganna play her"

"Oh well I mean u haven't talked to her in a while and I get how she thinks ur just Ganna play her"

"Ok and how is that"

"Well u have been spending the whole week with Alex none stop and I kinda looks like u guys are a thing now"

"Oh ya ok right well I Um I'm Ganna go now bye"

"Ok bye see u later"

Tobin went strath to Alex's room again

Alex and tobins room


Alex went to open the door this time

"Hey Alex"

"What happened to lex"

"Ya about that I do like u Alex I really do but"

"But what Tobin"

"But I just want to be friends"

"Friends really after everything we have been through"

"I'm sorry Alex"

"Ugh I actually Thought we had a chance a future but no"

"I know Alex"

"It's christen isn't it"

"I um maybe"

"I knew it she was going to get in the way"

"Alex at least we're friends"

"No Tobin I can't do this any more it hurts inside so bad"

"Why is it so loud in here"Kelley asked

"Kelley no now just go over there I'll tell u later"Alex said

"Ok this must be really important good bye"

Kelley left and Tobin was about to leave when Alex pulled her back.

"Alex we don't have to be frien.."but was caught off by a pair of lips.

Tobin pulled away first

"God ur so damn confusing Alex maybe ur right we shouldn't be friends"

"No Tobin wait"

Alex tried but couldn't get Tobin to turn around Tobin left and Alex slammed the door shut.

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