Chapter 23

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"So what do u think"Julie asked

"She's amazing I didn't know she was that good"Tobin was surprised

"Well it's really late I think u should go to bed Tobin"christen said

"Ya ur right well bye"

Tobin left and the next morning she woke up to a lot of different texts from shay.

"Oh shoot I forgot to hang out with her yesterday"Tobin hated herself right now she really liked shay and she might have just ruined things.

S:hey Tobin were are u
S:I've been waiting for 30 minutes
S:I'm going to leave
S:ok bye Tobin

Tobin decide to call her

"Hey shay I'm so sorry"

"We're the heck were u"

"I was at christens room watching ur show"

"Why would u do that"

"Cause I didn't exactly know who u were so they told me and I lost track of time"

"Well it's fine tobs just don't do that again"

"Ok I won't I promise can we hang today"

"Ya sure I guess"

"Ok well I'll see u at 6:00 then

"Ya that's good bye Tobin"

"Bye shay"

Tobin hung up and screamed into her pillow feeling so bad.

"What's wrong Tobin"moe asked coming from nowhere

"Oh me and shay had plans but I missed it"

"That sucks"

"Ya it does"

"Hey u should go and find Alex to straighten things out with her"

"Ya ok I'll try"

Tobin left the room to go find Alex.

Kelleys and Alex's room

"Why can't u just forgive Tobin"Kelley said

"Cause she hurt me she lead me on and she just let me go like she didn't care about me one bit"

"Ya but..."Kelley was interrupted by a knock on the door

"Ugh I'll get it"Alex said

She opened the door and saw it was Tobin so she closed the door but Tobin stopped it and took her arm and spun her around and hugged her.

"Why'd u do that"Alex asked smiling almost forgetting she was mad at Tobin

"I'm sorry Alex for whatever I did"

"It's ok Tobin I'm sorry for getting mad at u"Alex hugged Tobin tightly

"Can I come in"


Tobin walked inside and saw Kelley smiling mostly cause she saw everything.

"Aw u two are cute"

"Shut up"Alex yelled

It was 4:21 now so Tobin decided to leave.

"Ok well I Gotta go now guys"Tobin said

"We're u going Toby"Alex said sadly

"I have to meet someone"


"Um shay"

"No way Tobin"


"Are u crushing on her"Alex asked cause she knew how Tobin acted when she was crushing.

"No I don't know"

"Ya ok leave go to ur future girlfriend"Alex said leading Tobin out.

"No Alex it's not like that"

"Oh really just go Tobin"

Tobin left cause she didn't want to make Alex more mad.

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