Chapter 6

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Tobin knew everyone wanted to know who this mystery girl was so she was going to tell them."ok guys I know this came out of now where but I'm in love with christen".every body turned to christen and said "oo"Tobin just lied to the whole team but she knew she didn't want to say Alex cause she knew Alex didn't feel the same.

After the team meeting christen stayed and so did moe,Kelley,and Alex."what the hell Tobin u just lied to the team"Kelley said."I know but I didn't want to tell them it was Alex cause Alex dosnt like me or at least dosnt feel the same"Tobin said looking at the floor."aw Tobin I do like u but its in a friendly way and I thought we already talked about it".alex said."ya sorry can I be alone with moe and christen please""ya ok Tobin but are u sure ur ok""ya I'm fine I guess""u guess?"Alex asked."I don't know how I feel rn Alex so I'm sorry for liking u cause ur so pretty am sorry for telling the team a lie and sorry that I might like christen I just have to many feeling rn ok Alex"Tobin said in a raised voice."ok I'm sorry for jumping on u Tobin"."it's ok Alex just can u and Kelley leave please".so Kelley and Alex left the room.and the room was only filled with 3 people Tobin,moe and press.

"Why are u so quit pressy"Tobin asked."cause u might actually like me Tobin""oh"

Moe spoke up after 1 minute of silence "about earlier u don't have to talk about it I understand now""ya um press I'm sorry about earlier if I only..."Tobin was cut of by press"it's ok Tobin u don't like me I understand I won't bother u about it we could just be friends""no that's not what I was going to say at all.""what where u going to say then Tobin"press said raising her interrupted "um guys I'm sorry for interrupting but I'm just going to go to Julie's room."then moe left it was only Tobin and christen.

"Tobin just tell me what u were going to say"christen said it looked like she was about to cry.
Tobin took her hand and said...

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