Chapter 16

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Tobin got back to her room only to be met eye to eye with a mad Morgan Brian.

"Why Tobin"

"What do u mean"

"Why did u do that to Alex"

"What did I do Morgan"

"Ugh Tobin don't act stupied"

"I don't have Time for this"

As Tobin finished her sentence she left the room and left to Alex and Kelleys room to see what Moe was talking about.

Alex and Kelleys room

"What wrong lex"Kelley asked and crying Alex.

"I saw Tobin and as christen getting all cozy together"

"Oh I'm sorry Alex"

"I actually thought me and her had a chance"


"I'll get it Alex u stay her"Kelley said standing up to get the door

Kelley opened the door and saw a worried Tobin.

"What do u want Tobin"

"I want to see Alex is she ok"

"No u hurt her"

"That's what I wanted to know what did I do"

"U and press were getting a little to close"

"What no it's not like that"

"Then what was it like huh"

"Look u have to let me in and I'll explain everything"

Kelley stepped out of the way to let Tobin in.tobin wet straight to Alex.tobin went on one knee and looked at Alex and tried to take her hand but Alex pulled away.

"Look lex.."Tobin started but Alex cut her off.

"Don't call me that"

"Ugh Alex Morgan will u just listen to me"Tobin yelled

"I'm listening"

Tobin explained everything and Alex and Kelley felt bad.

"I'm so sorry Tobin I didn't know"Alex said

"Ya well it's ok"

"No it's not"Alex said reaching out for tobins hand but only for Tobin to pull away.

"I'm Ganna go I um have to do somthing"

With that being said Tobin left.

"I messed up bad"Alex said to Kelley

"It's not ur fault she will have to forgive u at some point cause she loves u"

"She also loves press"Alex said

"Ya but she'll just have to choose one of u"

Press and Julie's room

"Hey are u ok"Julie asked christen

"Ya ya I'm fine"christen said trying to not worry Jj.

"No ur not press u are never like this when ur happy what up"

"I just miss Tobin we don't talk as much as we used to and I bet she is going to date Alex"

"Oh well u know if u love a person so much u chase after them, does he love u back"

"I don't know "

"Oh well I wish u luck them press"

"Ok thanks"press said hugging Jj


Julie opened the door

"Speaking of Tobin she's here"Julie said to christen

Christen walked to the door were Tobin was at

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