Chapter 13

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Alex and Tobin had just arrived at the park.and they stared walking on the trail.

"So how was ur day"Tobin asked

"It was great how about u"

"Good good"
It was awkward but then Alex asked a weird question.

"Do u still like me Tobin"

"Um ya I do and I always will"Tobin said with her thumbs in her pocket and smiling at the floor

"Oh well ok"

"Why do u ask lex"

"Well Um me and servando broke up remember and I broke up with him cause I started to have feelings for u and I thought we would u know get tougether but um u were dating press so I didn't want to ruin anything"

"Oh Alex it's ok I can't ever stay mad at u I mean ya I'm still hurt my press but it's ok I can get over it somehow."Tobin said winking at Alex.

20 minutes passed and the made it to the end of the trail and back to tobins car by the time they made it back they were holding hands.

They got in the car and left back to the hotel.

"Ok well I'll see u tomorrow for training"

"Of course u will tobs"

"Ok bye"

"Ok bye tobs I love u"

Tobin froze at those word she didn't know what to say but by the time she could Alex was already gone.

Moe's and tobin's room

"Hey how was ur "date" with Alex go"Morgan asked laughing.

"It wasn't a date it was just two friends hanging out and how did u know"Tobin Asked laying down on her bed.

"U really thought Kelley could keep a secret"moe said looking at Tobin with a silly smile.

"Oh ur right oops my bad"they both laughed

"Anyways I'm going to bed goodnight tobin"moe said in her sleepy voice.

"Ok good night little moe"

Right then moe turned the lights off and they feel asleep.

Alex and Kelleys room

"So how did it go"Kelley asked exited to hear what Alex has to say.

"It was good"

"Really just good"Kelley said knowing there was more to it.

"Ok fine it was amazing who knew she was so nice and caring"Alex said with a smile on her face

"Did u win ur girl"

Alex laughed "no it takes time u know"

"Oh right ok sorry"

"It's ok I'm tired thoe so I'm just Ganna head to bed"

"Ok night"

With that being said everyone on the team was sound asleep ready for the big game against France tomorrow.

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