Chapter 8

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They ended up going to a park called Lents park."wow Tobin u have grey tastes in parks"Alex said laughing."thanks I guess"

They both got out of the car and started walking."so what do u want to know about me"Tobin asked."well I was hoping u could tell me ur full name first"Alex asked smiling a bit." it's Tobin Powell Heath"Tobin said shyly.
"Ok ur turn"Alex said"my turn to what""ur turn to ask a question silly"Alex said pushing Tobin a little.

"Oh ok well um what's ur boyfriends name"Tobin said with a plain expression "oh um servando"Alex said with a frown"I'm sorry I shouldn't have..""no it's ok I mean we're getting to know each other better right"Alex said dragging Tobin to the swings."right"Tobin said as she sat down on the swing.

"Ok ur turn Alex""how old are u"Alex said pushing her self on the swing a little."oh I'm 27 how bout u""I'm 26"Alex said smiling at Tobin.

They were there for and hour and didn't notice the time go by.then Tobin got a phone call.she looked at her phone and saw it was she answered.

"Sorry I have to get this Alex"Tobin said walking away.

"Hey arod"Tobin said answering her phone.""hey where are u"arod asked."at the park with Alex""oh do u think u can come back""oh ya why"Tobin asked.""cause Mabye me u and Cheney can hang cause she's going to retire soon and we need to celebrate"arod said through the phone."ya I'll be there but don't u think the whole team should come"Tobin said just so she could be with press too."yes great idea""ok bye arod"Tobin said"bye Toby"arod said as she hung up the phone.

Tobin walked to Alex and said"do u think we could go back now""ya of course but why do u wanna go now"Alex asked confused."well there's going to be a party for Cheney and arod wants us to go""oh ok let's go then".alex said walking towards tobins car.

They got to the hotel and went to there rooms.they didn't say much on the way back.

Tobin got to her room and saw moe sitting on the bed."hey moe"Tobin said as she sat next to her."hey tobs"moe said back."are u going to the party"Tobin asked moe."ya of course I wouldn't miss it".moe said sincerely.

Alex got to her room Kelley was on her phone like always."hey kells are u coming to the party""ya I'm always up to a party.kells said looking at Alex for what seemed the first time in forever.

Tobin looked at the clock and asked moe "what time does the part start""at 8:30"moe answered"oh"It was 6:26

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