Chapter 5

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Jj and moes pov

Moe and Jj were sitting on the couch and we're facing each other.julie spoke up first,"moe um I..i."moe saw that it was hard for Julie to talk to she grabbed her and into hers."I broke up with him."Julie said out of no was so happy but sad for her at the same time could this be the day Julie Johnston the girl of my dreams is finally mine,moe thought to herself.

Jj didn't even moe asked"are u ok?""ya ya I'm fine there's something else I have to tell u"Jj said nervously."Morgan Brian I like u actually no I don't like u cause I am in love with u I don't know why I choose him over u it's probably cause I thought u didn't like me but then Tobin told me u did and I instantly went to the phone and called him that's not the point moe I love u and I want us to sat there in shock thinking yes yes she finally loves me I can finally have my dream girl.then moe spoke up"Julie Johnston I have lived u since the day we met and that's why I always wanted to be near u and hug u but I wanted to do much more but couldn't cause u were taken but now ur not and I can finally have u so Julie Johnston will u be my wonderful girlfriend.

"Yes yes"Julie said as she hugged was so happy at this point she didn't care about anything else in the world.

Moe kicked me out of my own hotel room wow she's such a great friend but I let her.she kicks me out a lot just to hang with Jj but I'm ok with that so I always to Kelleys room cause she's is always alone.her room ate is Ali but Ali always goes to Ashlyn's room cause aperently there not a "couple".i knocked on kells room but she didn't open the door it was Alex.i asked "what are u doing here""this is my room silly"Alex said giggling."oh but is Kelley in there"I asked shyly."yes she is u can come in u know".

I saw Kelley on the bed on her phone like always checking her social media."did moe kick u out again.""ya"I said."why does she kick u out tobs"."um I guess she wants to hang with her best friend like I want to hang with my best friend"."oh right anyways I'm can I talk to u"."ya of course"

They went to the bathroom and started talking there."why is christen crying"Kelley asked concerned."oh um she kinda told me she likes me and I kinda do to but I um like someone else""who is it Tobin tell me I'm ur best friend".kelly said with an exited expression."well she already knows so what the heck I like Alex Morgan but she has a boyfriend I was so stupied to tell her"Tobin said sadly."no ur not Tobin is better to get it out there than to hide it and feel bad"Kelley said in a friendly way which always made Tobin a little happier."u should just tell the hole team ur gay Tobin so u don't have to have to keep telling people the same thing over and over again and feel down""ok Kelley i will but u have to come with me""ok"Kelley said happily.

Kelley called a team meeting.they got there after every one.the team meeting was in moes and tobins room.

When Kelley and Tobin arrived the whole team asked "what's the emergency""ok so Tobin has somthing to tell all of u"Kelley said as Tobin was about to speak.tobin gave kell a glare."thanks for starting for me"Tobin giggled."ok So I have to tell u that 1 I'm gay and 2 I like a person on the team."almost the whole team gasped except Alex,Kelley and moe.

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