Chapter 20

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Today there was team breakfast and practice.tobin went to arod and cheneys room cause she hasn't visted them in a while.

Arod and cheneys room

They heard a knock and Cheney went to open it.

"Hey best friend"Tobin screamed at Cheney.

"Hey best friend"Cheney screamed back

Tobin jumped on Cheney to give her best hug she has ever had.

"We're have u been u haven't been talking to me or arod in a while"Cheney said hugging Tobin.

"I've been really busy"

"With what exactly"

"Me and Alex"


"Hey  Tobin"arod asked


"Well I just came to say hi so I guess I did so I'm gonna go"

"Aww do u have to"arod asks

"Ya I do I have to change for the team breakfast"

"Ok well bye"amy and Cheney said

Tobin went to change and walked down to team breakfast.

She sat next to moe,Ashlyn,Ali and Julie.she basically sat next to the couples and she didn't feel comfortable.
Breakfast went fine but Tobin didn't say a word.

Now it was practice time and Tobin kept her distance from christen and Alex.alex was really mad at her and press was really sad.but that didn't change there playing.

"Hey Tobin"press said

Tobin knew right away it was press.

"Hey pressy"Tobin smiled at press and reached out for a hug christen gladly took that hug.

Alex saw and got even more mad but didn't say anything.

"Why have u been avoiding me"christen asked

"Cause I thought u didn't want to talk to me"

"Don't be silly Tobin I always want to talk to u"

"Good good"

"How are u and Alex"

"Oh Alex and me are kinda not talking right now she's really mad at me"

"Oh that sucks u two would have made a cute couple"christen could barely say those words

"U don't have to say that christen I know it hurts for u to say it"

"I know I'm sorry"

"Ya ok well we should get back to the hotel"


They both left and sat by each other on the bus cause Alex didn't let her.

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