Chapter 10

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2 weeks have passed without any trouble.tobin and press are falling in love more and more everyday and Tobin actually didn't like Alex anymore but there will always be a part of her that will love Alex but right now Tobin was in love with press.

But on the other hand Alex liked Tobin but she didn't want to tell Tobin cause she didn't want to ruin there friendship and Tobin is dating press.the whole team knew about press and Tobin.

Alex broke up with servando but didn't tell anyone cause she didn't want anyone to ask questions that might involve Tobin.

Alex and Kelleys room

"Alex what's wrong"Kelley asked looking at Alex.

"Nothing"Alex said not making eye contact.

"Alex I'm ur best friend I know when somthing is up"

"Ok you got me"Alex said not happy

"Ok what is it,it better be good cause I'm off my phone and u know me I'm barely off my phone"Kelley said giggling a bit.

"Ok so u know how Tobin is dating press"

"Ya continue" Kelley said

"Well um somthing may have happened at the bar and I might have feeling for Tobin now"

"Wait wait go back what happened at the bar was it at cheneys goodbye party"Kelley asked suddenly getting more interested

*flash back*
Cheneys party

"Alex slow down on the drinks"Tobin said graving the empty glass.

"Oh why do u care Tobin u have press to worry about"Alex said and it obviously seemed like she was drunk

"But I can still care about my friend u know"Tobin said putting her hand on Alex's arm.

"Well I'm going to go look for press"Tobin said leaving her stop only to be stopped by a hand holding on to her arm.

"Tobin stay"Alex said

"Ok but only for a few more minutes"Tobin said as he sat down

"I have to tell u somthing Tobin"Alex said standing up.

"Ok what do u want to tell me I'm all urs"Tobin said looking at Alex and gave her a small smile

"Lets talk in the bathroom cause I can barely hear u"Alex said leading Tobin to the bathroom

"So what do u want to tell me Alex "

"Ok um I broke up with servando"

"OMG Alex are u ok if there's anything..."Tobin started only to be cut off by Alex.

"No u don't get it I broke up with him cause I like Someone else and she's petty hot if say so myself"Alex said looking at Tobin top to bottom

"Who is it Alex"Tobin asked as she steps towards alex.

"Let's say she her name starts with a t and her last name is Heath"Alex said looking into tobins eyes.

"Ya well what if she still likes u back"

"Then I could do this"Alex said as she leaned towards Tobin a have her a kiss

Tobin kissed back but she felt bad cause she was dating press so she was the first to back away

"I'm sorry Alex ur drunk u won't remember and even if I wanted to I'm dating press and I don't want to hurt her cause I love her"Tobin said as she left the bathroom.

Alex stood there knowing she shouldn't have had that many drinks.alex started tearing up and she left early.

*end of flashback*

"Omg Alex u like Tobin!!!"Kelley yelled

"Shut up Kelley but she's dating press so I can't really do anything"Alex said frowning.

"Oh I'm sorry ale I really am she was in love with u on the day she met u but u denied her and now she's still trying to get over u with press so maybe it's good for Tobin"Kelley said

"Ya Mabye it is an Mabye u should move in too"

"There u go now that's the spirt"Kelley said patting Alex on the back.

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