Chapter 15

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They finally arrived at the stadium.they all went to the locker room and changed to there practicing gear.alex couldn't help but notice how many sour patches she had.

"Are those all for u"Alex asked giggling

"Ya I mean I love me some sour patches"they both laughed and headed to the field.

Practice went good and they all went back to the locker room to change into there jerseys.

The game went great Alex almost scored her first goal and hope made an amazing save.jj scored this amazing goal and Lauren holiday with the amazing pass.christen press went through a couple of French players and scores an amazing Goal.

After the game they all went in the locker room and we're happy with the way they played

"Nice job out there babyhorse"Tobin said to Alex

"Ha you too"

They got dressed and headed to the bus except christen.ashlyn saw that press was sad so she went to comfort her.

"Hey u scored why u looking all sad"

"I miss Tobin I want to celebrate with her but I can't I can't hug her or anything couples do"press said on the verge of crying.

"Hey don't cry u can still get her back"

"No I can't god I'm so stupied for breaking up with her"press said letting out her tears.

"Hey we can talk about this on the bus ok let's go"

"But u always sit with Ali and.."before she could finish ash cut her off

"I bet she will understand now come on christen let's go"ash said giving her a hand to get up.

The whole team was in the bus. Everyone sat by the same person.except ash and Ali cause ash and press were continuing there conversation.

"Why can't u get her back"ash asked

"Cause she loves Alex and not me"

"U don't know that"

"YES I DO!!"press screamed

Everyone looked at christen.

"Ugh u know what let's just stop talking about this"press said

They finally got to the hotel and everyone went to there room except press ash Ali and Tobin.

"What were u guys talking about"Ali asked

"Just stuff"press said

"What kind of stuff"Tobin said jumping in

"Tobin can u come here"ash said

"Ya ok"Tobin said walking to were ash wanted to talk.

"So what's up"tobs asked

"What the hell do u mean what's up"ash said angrily

"What do u mean"

"I mean why didn't u go and hug press when she scored"

"Oh I didn't want to cause I thought she was still mad at me"

"She is not mad at u she's sad and depressed cause she misses u"ash said walking back to press and Ali.

Tobin walked towards the group and came straight to press.

"I'm sorry"Tobin said scratching her neck

"For what"

"For not coming up to u and giving u a hug for ur goal"

"Oh ya it's ok i guess"

"You guess"

"I don't know I'm just ugh never mind"

"Ok well can I give u a hug right now"Tobin said reaching out her arms.

"Ya sure"press said coming into that hug

Little dad Tobin know Alex saw everything.

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