Chapter 24

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3 days have past Tobin hasn't talked to anyone but moe.

Moe's and Tobin's room

"Tobin u have to go and talk to someone"

"I am Im talking to u Brian"

"No I mean someone else"


Tobin went to open the door

"Tobin I'm sorry"Alex said as quick as she could.

"Sorry for what"

"For getting mad at u I realized that I want u to be happy and if shay or christen makes u happy then go be with them"

"But they don't make me happy"

"Then what does I just want to talk to my best friend like I used to I want to tell u everything that's on my mind"

"U do Alex I haven't talked to them for 3 days"


"Alex what do u want do u want to be friends or more than friends"


"Hey Tobin"moe comes out of no where


"I'm gonna go get ya coffee"

Moe left like always

"Come in Alex"

Alex came in and they sat on opposite beds.

"Ok Tobin I want us to be more than friends but I need u to tell me one thing"

"Ya of course"

"Do u still like christen"

"I mean Alex u can't change ur feelings for a person once u like them u like them u can like them less but u will always like them and I still like christen but before her I loved this girl I met her at a cafe and she was gorgeous"

"Oh who was it"

"Her name was Alex Morgan"

"Aww I love u Tobin"

Tobin paused at those words thinking she was never going to hear them again

"I love u too"

The end

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