Chapter 18

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Tobin just didn't care she just went to her room and saw that the room wasn't empty.

"Ugh christen what do u want I thought u said u didn't want me"

"I never said that I just want to be friends"

"Ya ok whatever"Tobin sighed out

"What's wrong u seem exhausted"

"Ya well I have been chasing u but then Alex has been chasing me maybe I should just quit the team"

"Woah woah don't even think about it u have so many people who care about u like Cheney and arod they have been with u from the beginning"

"Ur right I'm sorry maybe u should just go before I blow up on u"

"Why would I leave u,u need support u need some love Tobin"

"Ya i guess"

"U need people who love u in this room so in going to go get Alex,arod..."

"Wait wait not Alex"

"Why not"

"It's complicated"

"Ok well then I'll get Kelley arod Cheney and Ashlyn"

"No wait can I just be alone with u"Tobin said nervously.

"Ya sure tobs anything for my best friend"

"Ya best friend "Tobin said sarcastically.

"Ok Tobin fine"

"Fine what"

"Like I said u need someone who loves u around and I love u so I'm answering ur question from last time yes I'll go on a date with u"


"Yes but can we do it another time cause I think we should stay here for a while"

"Ya ok"Tobin said as she payed her head on christens chest.

"I love u"christen said

Tobin was shocked with the words that just came out of christens mouth" u too"Tobin finally managed to spit out.

Moe was with Jj most of the time but no one noticed cause they had there attention in Tobin and Alex or Tobin and christen.soon moe came back to her room that she was sharing with Tobin and saw christen and Tobin cuddling up to each other.

"Tobin I thought u said u were just friends"

"Well me and Alex are just friends well I don know if we're still friends"

"What do u mean"Morgan asked the still laying down Tobin.

"I mean me and Alex got in this fight and it's just confusing"

"Ok well I guess u made up ur mind then christen it is,and u know I'll support u in any decision u make so have fun"

With that being said press went back to her room and it was already night and they all were tired Especially Tobin.they all went to bed and Tobin finally had a goodnight sleep knowing christen said yes to her date.

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