Chapter 14

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Moe and tobins room

The morning came and the first to wake up was Tobin she didn't want to wake moe so she decided to be a good friend and get coffee for Kelley and Alex cause there basically the three amigos.

Alex and Kelleys room

They were woken up by a knock.kelley got up to get the door she opened it and there was a happy Tobin with three coffees.

"Hey sleepy head"Tobin said walking in.

"Hey are those for me"Kelley said now awake.

"Well one is"

"Oh that sucks"kells laughed

Alex came in a couple seconds later

"Hey Toby what u got there"Alex acted surprise.

"Here's ur coffee baby horse"

"Oh is that what they call me now"Alex said grabbing the coffee

"Yes it is"Tobin said laughing.

The three friends drank there coffee in peace but then they heard another knock and Alex stood up to get was press and Alex didn't like her being her cause she wanted Tobin to be hers

"Hi christen"Alex said trying to act happy

"Hi um there's a team breakfast in 10"

"Ok thanks"

With that being said Alex closed the door and took a deep breath it was hard to talk to press.tobin walked in.

"Hey are u ok lex"

"Ya I'm fine"she said trying to act like everything was ok.

"Ok who was at the door"

"Oh u know just Pinoe"Alex lied

"Oh ok"

Right then Tobin walked back to Kelley and started talking.

Alex U just lied to ur best friend u never lie to ur bets friend.

That thought kept coming into Alex's mind but she ignored it.10 minutes pasted and they all went to team breakfast.the three friends sat next to each other with moe and syd.

"So who's exited for the game"syd asked breaking the silence

"Um i guess me"Tobin said

"I guess"Alex asked laughing

"Why are u laughing lex ok how bout u are u exited"

"Um yes I am it's my first game with the team"

Moe just looked at Tobin with her I know everything face.

It was practice time and practice went well exept Tobin and Alex kept sneaking looks at each other.luckly no one noticed.

It was game time soon so they all loaded on to the bus and Alex and Tobin sat next to each other now people were getting suspicious cause they would always hangout with each and Jj sat behind them and ash and Ali sat n beside them and syd and Pinoe sat in front of them.

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