Chapter 11

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Tobin and moe's room

"Moe can we talk"Tobin asked

"Of course Tobin u can talk to me about anything"Moe smiled

"Ok um remember cheneys party"

"Ya how could I forget u walked out of that bathroom looking like u saw a ghost"Moe laughed

"Ya well um me and Alex kinda kissed in there"Tobin told moe the story and moe was surprised
"TOBIN!!! Why would u do that to press she's one of my best friends"

"I know I regret it Morgan I really do I was the one who pulled away first and told her u couldn't do that to press"

"Ok but u have to tell press cause u guys are in a realationship and there's no lying in a realationship"

"Ya ok"

"I'm sure she will understand Tobin she was drunk right and I bet she didn't even remember so Dont remind her"

"Ya ok thanks moe"Tobin said standing up and walking towards the door to go to pressy's room.

Press's room

Press heard a knock on the door and walked over to open it.when she saw who it was she screamed"Tobin!!!"

"Hey press can I talk to u"Tobin said seriously.

"Ya Tobin is everything ok"

"No not really"

"Ok Tobin what's going on"

"I kissed Alex I wanted u to know but that was the biggest mistake of my life well actually Alex kissed me I didn't kiss her and I love u not her u got me over her now I want to be with u cause u make me happy"

"Why would u do that Tobin"christen said with a tear falling down her cheek

"I'm sorry that was a mistake press I'm sorry I really am forgive me"Tobin said wiping away christens tears.

"I don't think I can rn I'm sorry"christen said as she stepped away from Tobin.

"No press don't do this"

"Why don't u go to ur little girlfriend Alex I'm sure she will cheer u up"

"She's not my girlfriend ur my girlfriend"

"No Tobin I'm ur ex girlfriend"

"Christen please don't do that I love u"

"I think u should leave Tobin"christen said as she opened the door.

Tobin walked out crying and press shut the door as she was crying also.

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