Chapter 9

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It was 8:00 it was almost time to go to cheneys party.tobin went to go pick up press.

Tobin got to presses room and knocked.the door opened and there stood press in a blue and black dress and Tobin couldn't take her eyes of of her.

"Um hello earth to Tobin"press joked.

"U..u look stunning"tobins aid with her mouth still hanging open."ok i think we should go Tobin"press said walking out the door and towards the elevator.

They had got to the club and everyone was already there.tobin and press walked in holding hand.alex saw and kinda got jealous.she didn't know why thoe.

"Hey I'm Ganna go get us drinks"Tobin said kissing her girlfriend in the cheek and leaving to get their drinks.

"2 beers please"Tobin said to the bar tender."make it 3"someone being Tobin said.but Tobin knew it was Alex cause of her raspy voice."hey lex"

"Hey Tobin I have a question for u"Alex said looking into tobins eyes."ok what's ur question lex""are u and christen a thing"

"Um ya we are and I love her"Tobin said trying to forget about her liking Alex.

"Oh great Tobin".alex said trying to act happy.

What are u doing Alex u have a nice boyfriend who is always there for u and u just met Tobin u can't have feelings for her and she's dating press she's trying to get over u Alex don't mess things up at least ur her friend and that's good enough.alex thought to herself.

The party was a great party nothing unusual happened.but Alex did act a bit weird.tobin didn't pay much attention to her thoe.cause most of the time Tobin was either kissing press as she was sitting on her lap in the corner of the bar or they were dancing tougether.

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