Chapter 4

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Tobin walked straight into the elevator and pressed number 3 cause that's the floor she was staying in with moe.the elevator opened and she saw moe waiting for her."Tobin what's going on"moe asked concerned."I'll tell u in the room"Tobin said as she walked towards room 217 the room they were staying in.

They both entered and moe asked"why were u talking to christen in the bathroom then u bump into Alex and then u start talking to her like u have somthing to hide."moe said."I know moe I do have somthing to hide"Tobin sighed out."what is it tobs"moe asked in a lower voice."well I um..."a moment passed for what seemed like hours but was only a couple second but then there was a knock on the door.

Moe went to go open it and saw it was jj.tobin and moe looked surprised.why would jj be here."can I come in moe"Julie moved out of the way so Jj can pass."um...can I talk to u alone.""ya ok just give me a minute with Tobin in the bathroom.jj smiled at moe and moe smiled back.

Tobin and moe went to the bathroom and started to talk."ok Tobin cut to the chase."moe said anxiously."ok I like Alex but she dosnt like me and press likes me but I don't really like her I do have a little bit of feeling for press but I mostly like her as a friend.tobin let it all out without thinking and not knowing she said press liked her."woah Tobin we will talk about this later but why didn't u tell me u were gay?"moe asked in a serious way."I'll tell u after Jj leaves but the question is do u think Jj will finally realize she wants u more than her boyfriend?"moe said "ok times up get out so I can talk to Jj".

Only Tobin knew moe liked Jj but Jj didn't know and every time she came or talked to her she felt butterflies in her stomach and that's how it felt rn.

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