Chapter 5

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"I'm back!" Steph said swinging the front door open. "Sweet!" Alexia replied as she finished setting the table. Steph set the pizza down and admired the table,"Can you set out another plate?". "Yeah, who's coming?" Alexia asked getting a plate from the cupboard. "My boyfriend, he's been dying to meet you,"Steph smiled.  Just then the door bell rang," I'll get it," Steph smiled. Alexia sat down at the table while Steph went to the door. "Alexia, I would like you to meet Thomas," Steph said gesturing to the man beside her. "Uh-hi," Alexia stumbled. Thomas was the man in the picture, which meant he was also The one who kidnapped Alexia from the alley so many years ago. "Hello Alexia, I've been wanting to meet you," he smiled. "I'm gonna use the restroom, you two begin eating," she said. Alexia sat down and pulled a piece of pizza from the box. "So Alexia, how long have you been in town?" Thomas asked. "Uh about a week," she said not making eye contact with him. "It's a beautiful place, do you like it?" he asked. Maybe he doesn't recognize me, Alexia thought. "Yes, it's very nice," Alexia replied. Thomas pulled a piece of pizza from the box and then put it on Steph's plate, and did the same for himself. "Alright, let's eat!" Steph said clapping her hands as she sat down at the table. Thomas chewed his pizza, "I feel like we've meet before Alexia, where did you live before you came to New York City?". Steph placed her hand on Thomas', "I told you she doesn't remember anything,". "Oh right, sorry," Thomas muttered. Steph and Thomas left Alexia alone for the rest of the dinner, only having small conversations between themselves. "I'm gonna go on a walk," Alexia said standing up from her chair. Steph nodded and smiled. Alexia threw her plastic plate away and grabbed her jacket. "Alexia wait," Steph said running after her,"Are you okay, you don't seem like yourself?". "Yeah I'm fine," Alexia smiled. "Here take my phone, if you need anything call Thomas or the house," Steph smiled heading back to the table. Alexia put the phone in her pocket and opened the door. Alexia shivered as a rush of cold air swept past her, she pulled her jacket tighter. She walked for about 10 minutes and then found a bench to sit on. She pulled the phone out of her pocket. She used to have one of these before Thomas kidnapped her. She wondered if her mom still had it, she wondered if her mom knew if she was alive. Alexia began to feel tears forming, and quickly put the phone away. She hadn't thought about her mom since she had been kidnapped , but now that she was free she wanted to see her. Alexia stood up from the bench and began walking back to Steph's house. She walked quickly, she needed a way to see her mom. Alexia walked up to the house and noticed Thomas' car was gone. She opened the door and went inside. "How was your walk?" Steph asked sweetly. "Good, but I think I want to try and find my mom," Alexia said. Steph nodded and stepped away from the sink. "How about you get a warm bubble bath and we can talk about it in the morning?". Alexia nodded and allowed Steph to lead her to the bathroom. Steph helped her get the bath set up. "Go grab some pajamas," Steph said. Alexia went into her room and grabbed the pajamas from beside the picture frame. She looked at the picture frame and went into the bathroom.

*Sorry for such the long wait, but here's another chapter! School officially started this week so it's been a pretty busy week. Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!
Until the next chapter,

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