Chapter 19

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Alexia tossed and turned. Something had been bothering her all night, and she had had a hard time going to sleep. She opened her eyes and looked over to the clock, it read 7:31. She shut her eyes and sighed. A few minutes later she opened her eyes again. "Was there something in the window?" she said in her head. Slowly, she turned her head towards the window. She gasped as a figure moved out of the window. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She slowly reached over to the side dresser and grabbed her phone. She dialed the home phone and waited. Zach's mom answered the phone.


"Nina, someone's in the window,"

"Lex? What'd you say?"

"Someone's in the bedroom window,"

"Hold on, don't move,"

Alexia could hear Nina calling for Zach. She could hear footsteps pounding towards the bedroom. The door was busted open and Zach came running in. He immediately went over to the window. He peered out of the window, "did you see who it was?". "No, it-it just felt like someone was watching me and I looked over to the window and a person was there," Alexia said shaking. "Well no one's there now," Zach said leaving the window. He made his way towards the door, "Moms got breakfast on, today's a big day,". Alexia nodded and threw the sheets to the side. She swung her legs to the side of the bed and stretched. She placed her feet shakily on the ground and slowly stood up. Slowly, she made her way to the dresser. She rummaged through the drawer, searching for her black skinny jeans. Once she found her pants, she went over to the closet. She searched for her black and white striped sweater. "Ugh, where is it?" Alexia cried frantically searching. "Are you looking for this dear?" Nina said coming into the doorway with the sweater in her hand. "Yes, thank you," Alexia said with a sigh of relief. Nina gave her a smile and left the doorway. Alexia gathered her clothes and went into the bathroom that was connected to the guest bedroom. She turned the hot water on and took her pajamas off. She stepped into the shower and sighed a sigh of relief. Her mind drifted back to what had been bothering her all morning. Today was the day Zach was taking her to the police.

*I am so sorry, I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. I've been super busy with the holidays and school, it's been super hard to find time to write. But anyways, what'd you think of the chapter? Who was watching Alexia in the window? Let me know what you think in the comments! Please remember to vote, it means so much to me!
Until the next chapter,

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