Chapter 34

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It had been a few months since Alexia had been released from the hospital. Zach knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Alexia, and decided to make the first move and ask her to move in with him. They found a cute little apartment a few blocks over from Zach's parents house. Tina, Alexia's mom, had bought a little house on the same street as Zach's parents. Alexia was determined to help pay the rent of the apartment, and had gotten a job at a local cafe, waiting on tables. Zach picked up the phone to his and Alexia's apartment.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hello Zach, this is Officer Smith. I wanted to call to tell you that we found Thomas. He's being booked in the country jail, and will be transported out of state for the safety and protection of the girls. Could you please let me talk to Alexia?"

"Alexia is at work right now but I can tell her to give you a call back later." Zach replied.

"That's not necessary, just make sure she gets the message. Have a nice night Zach," Officer Smith said.

"You too, and thanks for everything," Zach said before ending the call.

Zach hung up the phone and sighed a sigh of relief. He knew that Alexia was worried about Thomas. Not knowing where he was scared everyone. But now that he had been found and arrested, Zach knew Alexia would feel a lot safer. Zach recalled how strong Alexia had been after she was found. He knew that she was trying hard to forget the memories of both kidnappings. He could only hope this would help her move past it. Zach was amazed at how quickly Alexia got her life together after she was out of the hospital. She had decided to finish her schooling online while she was stuck at home. She finished it in 2 months and set out to find a job. She found her job of waiting on tables and was currently looking for a higher paying job. He was so proud of her. Zach decided to tell her the good news over a nice dinner at the cafe where they had first met. Zach grabbed his phone off the kitchen counter and texted Alexia.

Zach: Need to tell you something tonight. Meet me at the place we first met, and we'll have dinner. See you tonight at 7 :)

Zach smiled at his text. He couldn't wait for 7 o'clock.

Zach pulled out of the driveway at 6:45, he wanted to be at the cafe before Alexia. He wanted to make sure he got the exact table that he had waited on Alexia when they first met. Zach parked his car outside of the cafe and walked into the cafe. The cafe was just as he had remembered it, small and cozy. He had spent most of his high school and college nights working in the cafe. Luckily the table he wanted was open and he sat down. He pretended to look at the menu, even though he already knew what he wanted. Alexia and him had been to the cafe countless of times before. He nervously glanced at the door, checking to see if Alexia was coming. At 7:15, Alexia walked in. Zach smiled and stood up. Alexia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you," she said smiling. "I missed you too, have a seat," Zach said pulling a chair out for her. "Now before we order I need to tell you something," Zach began. "Is it bad?" Alexia asked. "No, it's good. Actually it's great. Officer Smith called the house today, they arrested Thomas. He's being transported to a jail out of state," Zach explained, "You're safe." Alexia broke down into tears," I've been waiting for this moment ever since I was in the hospital. I didn't now how or when I would find out but I always knew I would be relieved." Zach grabbed her hands across the table, "There's something else I need to say." Zach stood up and bent down on one knee beside Alexia. Alexia's hands flew up to her hands and she began to cry. "Alexia," Zach began, "I've only known you for a year or so but I knew the first time that I saw you that I wanted to be with you. I wanted to be with you forever. I can say that we have been through a lot over these past few months and we came out stronger as ever. I love you and want to wake up with everyday. I want to see you walking down the aisle, beautiful as ever. I want to buy a house together and bring our children home to it. I want to be by your side for the rest of my life." Zach reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. "Will you marry me?" Alexia stood up with the biggest smile on her face. She nodded her head, and in between sobs, said, "Yes, of course I'll marry you."

The End

*And that's the end! How was that ending for ya? Zach and Alexia will live happily forever. Thomas, well he will live forever in jail ;)
But it's okay cause he was creepy and he deserved it. I really really really appreciate all of the support I have gotten for this book. I never expected it to get this many readers who enjoy it so much. I'm not sure about a new book quote yet. It'll probably be after I finish A Day at Grandmas. Maybe I'll post a few short stories that I've written while you wait. I'd really appreciate it if you read and supported A Day at Grandmas like you did this book. I love every single one of you! Keep on reading!
Until the next book,

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