Chapter 29

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Zach turned his body so he was able to look out of the back of the car. There was a whole row of cars behind him and a whole row of cars on the opposite side of the street. The car, that was trying to drive through the rows of parked cars, had lost control and spun into a car behind him. Zach knew he was to stay in the car, but was scared of what would happen if a car hit him head on. So he took the keys out of the ignition and climbed over to the passenger seat. Once the door was pushed open, he got out. He noticed that others had done the same as him. He walked over to a man standing beside the car behind him. "Are you alright sir? Zach asked him. "Yes, I'm sorry about your car," the man said stretching out his hand , "I'm Lester,".
"Zach," he said shaking Lester's hand. Zach quickly placed his hands in his coat pockets. After a while Zach asked, "Has anyone called the police yet?" Lester nodded," They said they can't come out due to the closed roads," Zach nodded and looked around to the woods that surrounded the road. He saw puffs of smoke swirling towards the sky. "Is there a house in those woods?" Zach asked pouting to the smoke. Lester thought for a moment," There might have been a cabin in there once but nothing big," Lester said. "I'm going to go check it out," Zach said before walking towards the woods. Lester stopped him, "I'm coming with you son, those woods are far to deep and wide for anyone to go into alone," Zach shook his head," I'll be alright," Lester smiled, "Fine but I'm coming after you if you aren't back in 30 minutes," Zach laughed, "It's a deal then,"

Zach ran into the woods towards where the smoke had been coming from. He quickly realized how deep these woods were. He ran on and on, hoping for a sign of the cabin Lester had described. He slowed his run into a walk to catch his breath. He had been running for over 10 minutes. Zach walked slowly but briskly, not wanting to waste the 30 minutes he had to himself. To Zach's delight, the cabin was only a few feet away. He ran over to the cabin and looked in the windows. It appeared that no one was at home. But Zach knew someone was in there, the had been a fire in the chimney. Zach knocked on the door but got no answer. With a grunt, he tried to turn the cold and rusty doorknob but it didn't budge. He tried the half cracked window next, hoping whoever was here left it unlocked. Zach smiled as the window slid up.

*Hello readers! What did you think of this chapter? What about the cabin and Lester? Let me know in the comments section! I just wanted to give you guys a heads up, school is now out for the summer!!! Now? I will be able to update way more often. I will hopefully get a chapter of A Day at Grandmas and Kidnapped posted every week so make sure you have my notifications on! Please make sure you are commenting and voting for each and every chapter. This is a way for others to find my books and a way that I can see that you liked the chapter! Thanks in advance!
Until the next chapter,

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