Chapter 16

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Alexia awoke to sun beaming into her window. She slowly rose to a sitting position and stretched her arms out. She paused when she heard a voice coming from the living room. Curious, she got up from the bed. She peeked her head out from the bedroom and looked around. The room looked as how she had left it last night, all except for the cause of the sound. The television was on. "That's funny, I don't remember watching tv last night," Alexia said to herself walking behind the couch to watch the channel, "and I definitely do not remember watching the news,". She watched in horror as the reporter described a fire in an alley on 44th street. "No," Alexia whispered. She watched awe as the camera was turned to show the scene of the fire. Alexia gasped, "that was meant for me,".
Ding dong. Alexia took her eyes off the horrid scene before her and went to see who was at the door. She opened it to find Zach. "Did you see what happened?" he cried gasping for air. Alexia was puzzled, "why are you out of breath?". "Someone messed with the engine of my car, I ran here,"Zach said. Alexia gestured for him to come in. He followed and sat down on the couch. Alexia handed him a glass of water and he gladly accepted it. She sat down beside him and watched the news reporter describe the businesses that had been affected by the fire. Luckily no one had been seriously injured. "I can't believe I had been so stupid he broke my car so that you had to walk me home. That way I would have had plenty of time to think what I would do after you left. He probably expected me to be there, so he set it on fire," Alexia said reasoning out loud how a human being could do something as horrible as this, "he then broke your car so you couldn't drive to the alley and stop me,". "And that is exactly why I wasn't going to let you go to that alley," Zach said putting his arm around Alexia's shoulders, "this isn't just a neighborhood criminal, this guy means business,". Alexia shook her head and sighed. "What?" Zach asked noticing her uneasiness. "Did you turn this on last night?" Alexia asked him nodding her head towards the tv. "No, I left as soon as we ate the pie," Zach said, "why?". "Well after you left I went to bed, so I didn't turn it on, but it was on this morning," Alexia said. Alexia knew what had happened but she didn't want herself to believe it. Zach could tell she knew the answer, "it was Thomas wasn't it, he turned it on,". Alexia nodded, "I don't want to stay here anymore," she said laying her head on his shoulder. "You're not, you'll stay at my place," Zach said, "go get dressed and pack your things,". Alexia blushed, she had forgotten she was in her pajamas. She stood up and went into her room. A few minutes later she was dressed and ready with the duffle bag Steph's mom had packed for her. Zach was waiting for her by the front door, "ready?" he asked. "Yeah," Alexia said closing the front door.

*So this was a super intense chapter! With Thomas in the house with Alexia, what else do you think he had planned. And what about that fire, can you believe he would do such a thing? Let me know in the comments and please don't forget to vote!
Until the next chapter,

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