Chapter 15

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"Steph, Steph!" Alexia cried into the phone. "Alexia, get control of yourself," Zach said taking the phone from her. "Are you kidding me?" Alexia screamed, "Steph and my mom are in serious trouble!". "I know, but what do you think you're gonna be able to do tonight?" Zach said looking at the watch on his wrist, "it's already 10:30, you need to rest,". Alexia just shook her head, "I have to go find them, they need my help," she whispered to herself. She began to get up but Zach sat her down. "Let me go grab a pie and then I'll take you home," Zach said walking towards the kitchen. "You don't have to, I can just walk home," Alexia said in a sad whisper. "I have your car, plus my car's at your house," Zach said coming out of the kitchen with a box in his hands, "let's go, I'll drive,". Alexia walked to the door to the cafe and put her hood up. "Here, take the umbrella," Zach said grabbing an umbrella from a hook beside the door. Alexia mumbled a thanks and opened the umbrella. She headed outside with Zach in tow. Zach went around to the drivers side of the car and unlocked the doors. Alexia shut the umbrella and got into the car. She sat the umbrella into the back of the car and watched Zach as he put the key into the ignition. He turned the key, but nothing happened. With a quick turn of his hand, he returned the key but again nothing happened. "What's the matter?" Alexia asked. "The engine isn't turning on," Zach said as he hopped out of the car. Alexia watched as he opened the hood of the car. She sighed and reached for the umbrella. With the umbrella in her hand, she got out of the car. "Thought you might like an umbrella," she said putting the umbrella over his head. He laughed, "thanks,". Alexia watched him closely, "I never knew you were so good with cars,". "Oh, it's just a little something my dad taught me," Zach said tinkering with a knob. Alexia just nodded. After a few minutes Zach had had enough, "well someone messed the engine up, I could probably fix it but it'll have to be tomorrow,". "I guess we walk back?" Alexia asked with a laugh. "I guess so," Zach said with a smile. They began their way back to Steph's house. They were both soaked by the time they got to the house. Alexia unlocked the door, "come on in, it's raining to hard,". Zach sat the pie on the table. "Would you care to join me for some pie?" Alexia asked grabbing two plates from the cupboard. "It would be my pleasure," Zach said grabbing two towels from the bathroom. He sat them down on the chairs and the pair sat down. A half hour later, they had finished the pie. "I think I'll be heading home now," Zach said standing up. He took the plates to the sink and threw the empty box in the trash can. "Thanks for everything by the way," Alexia said standing in the doorway. "You don't have to thank me," Zach said. "Yes I do, I would've done nothing to help the situation by going to that alley and you stopped me," Alexia said. "We'll figure a way to save them," Zach said. He opened the door, "I'll see you tomorrow," he said smiling. "I guess I will," Alexia said before waving goodbye. She watched him as he pulled out of the driveway and into the street. He waved goodbye and she shut the door. She leaned up against the door and took a deep breath.

*Glad I got this chapter up! This was a very fun chapter to write because Alexia and Zach are finally getting close💕 Please remember to vote and comment!! This chapter is dedicated to suemuru2 because she has such great thoughts and ideas about books!! Thanks for being such an amazing reader!
Until the next chapter,

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