Chapter 23

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Alexia huddled against the concrete wall. She shivered as a gust of wind blew snow through the broken window above her. She brushed the snow from her clothing and shivered. I've got to make myself warm, Alexia thought, or else I'll freeze to death. She began rubbing her numb hands together, attempting to heat her hands up. She heard laughter as she attempted to warm herself up. She turned her head towards the laughter and scoffed as Thomas came down the stairs. "Cold are you my dear?" he asked walking towards her. Alexia noticed he was hiding something behind his back. "Don't come near me!" she shrieked scrunching herself into a ball. "I was just going to offer you your coat back," Thomas said pulling her coat from behind him. Alexia hesitated, she would surely freeze without the coat on but Thomas wouldn't give it to her without wanting something in return. Finally she asked, "What do you want?". "Oh sweetheart, can't I just give you a present without needing something in return?" he asked with a sly smile. "No, or else you would have given it to me already," she said turning around so her back was to him.  "Suit yourself," he said turning around to leave. Alexia heard the snow crunch beneath his boots as he walked over to the steps. The steps creaked as he jogged up them. If only he would slip, Alexia thought with a smile. She hadn't noticed Thomas watching her closely. "What are you smiling at?" he snapped. "Nothing," Alexia looking away from him. Thomas scoffed and turned to go up the remaining stairs. But at that moment, lost his footing. Alexia gasped as Thomas began thrashing his arms trying to reach for the railing. But even Thomas knew it was to late to grab the railing as his eyes became wide with terror. He flipped back and landed head first in the snow. Alexia covered her smile with her hand. Thomas sat up abruptly and glared at Alexia. "What did you do to the steps?" he said through gritted teeth. "Nothing," Alexia shrugged holding her foot up to show the chains keeping her in this frozen place. He muttered a few words under his breath and got up. He stomped his way up the steps and slammed the door. Alexia laughed at him, she thought he would have learned his lesson. She back herself onto the wall behind her and frowned. Where did he put her coat? She thought back to before he slipped, he had had it in his hand to take back upstairs. She tried to remember if he had taken it upstairs with him after he had gotten up. He hadn't she concluded, so where did it go? She looked around the room, where could it have gone? Ah ha! There it was, right beside where he had landed. "I need to get it," she said to herself. She slowly got to her feet and stretched, as this was the first time she had stood in a day. She walked over to where her coat was but was stopped as the chain pulled against her. Determined to gain warmth, she got to her hands and knees. She stretched her hand out before her, she could barely reach. She sighed in desperation. She stretched her fingers out and got ahold of the drawstrings. She smiled and pulled the coat towards her. She put her arms in the sleeves and zipped the coat up. She smiled at the feeling of warmth. She pulled her hat and gloves out of the pockets and put them on. With a smile, she leaned against the wall.

*I am on a roll! First an update on A Day at Grandmas and now an update on here!! Tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments section! If you liked this chapter, please hit the vote button! It means so much to me to see you guys are liking the story!
Until the next chapter,

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