Chapter 25

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"Shall we get started?" Officer Smith said sitting down in front of Steph and TIna. They nodded, giving him permission to go on. "Stephanie, is it true that where we found you isn't where you were taken originally?" Officer Smith asked. Steph nodded and said, "Yes, when I was captured I was taken to what resembled a cabin,". Officer Smith nodded, "Do you have any idea to where this place could be?". Steph shook her head, "He had blindfolded me,". Officer Smith turned to Tina, "Okay Tina, you're Alexia's mother correct?" "Yes, that's correct," Tina replied. "And this isn't the first time Alexia has been kidnapped correct?" Officer Smith asked. "No, she was kidnapped about 7 years ago on her way home from her hair appointment," she said with tears falling from her face. The nurse rushed over to Tina to make sure she was feeling alright. Officer Smith turned to Steph and looked through his notepad, "And you were kidnapped after Tina was correct?". "Yes, at the time Thomas and I were dating. He asked me on a date and that's when he kidnapped me," Steph replied. Officer Smith nodded and wrote her response down in his notepad. "And this was the same person who kidnapped Tina?" he asked. Steph nodded. "Okay ladies, I believe I have everything I need at the moment, I may come back if I need more information," Officer Smith said standing up from his chair. "Do you have any idea where Alexia is?" Zach said standing up from his seated position. "I'm sorry son, I'm not sure at the moment but I've been given a very good lead," Officer Smith said with a simpathetic smile. "Okay thanks," Zach whispered. Were they ever going to find Alexia?

*Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter!! I've been super busy with a show and I've had a very hard time finding time to write. But I got this chapter done in between my numbers so I'm super happy!!! What did you guys think of this chapter? They've finally got some information as to where Alexia may be! Super excited to find out what happens next!

Until the next chapter,


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