Chapter 31

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"Stop in the name of the law!" ordered an officer. Zach froze. An officer walked towards them," Zach?" Zach sighed in relief at the familiar face of Officer Smith. "I found her," Zach cried," I found Alexia." Officer Smith pointed to one of his medical staff, "Officer Johnson, this girl needs medical help, take her to the hospital." Officer Johnson quickly got a gurney out of an ambulance and rushed over to Zach and Alexia. "You can place her on the gurney," Officer Johnson said gently. Zach hesitated, he had just gotten Alexia back, he didn't want to loose her again. "She'll be perfectly safe with us," Officer Johnson said. Zach nodded and looked at Alexia," I'll be right by your side." Alexia nodded. Zach carefully bent over and laid Alexia on the gurney. Officer Johnson wheeled Alexia over to the ambulance, and with the help of the other officers, put her in the ambulance. The ambulance doors swung shut and the truck's engine roared. The sirens began to sound and the ambulance drove away.

Officer Smith walked over to Zach," Are you alright, do you want my medical staff to look at you?" Zach shook his head," I'm fine." Officer Smith nodded and patted his back. "I want the whole perimeter searched thoroughly," Officer Smith ordered to the remaining officers. He turned to Zach," Did you see Steven here?" Zach shook his head. Officer Smith nodded and picked up his radio. "We've located the girl and she's on her way to the hospital, call her mother so she can meet her at the hospital," he said into the radio. He placed the radio back onto the collar of his shirt. "I've got some business to take care of back at the station, why don't you make your way to the hospital?" Officer Smith said walking away. "Sir!" Zach cried running to catch up with the officer," My car's wrecked." "I can give you a ride," Officer Smith said opening the back door of the police car. "Thank you," Zach said with a sigh of relief. Officer Smith shut the back door and walked around to the front. He got in and out the key in the ignition. The car started and Officer Smith made his way through the trees.

Zach was silent for the most part of the ride. He couldn't believe he had been the one to find Alexia. Holding her frail body in his arms had made him the calmest he had been since she went missing. He silently scolded himself for not getting into the ambulance with her. His mind drifted to the police, it was a good thing they had been there. But how did the police know he was there? "Office, can I ask you something?" Zach asked. "Sure," Officer Smith answered. "How did you know to be at the cabin?" Zach asked. "What do you mean?" Officer Smith asked confused. "How did you know that I was going to the cabin?" Zach said. Officer Smith explained," Someone called the station to report the car crash that you had been stuck in. We have to question everyone involved in the crash so when I noticed someone was missing I asked where they had went. There was a man, I think his name was Lester, that said you had went into the woods to look at a cabin. So along with some of the other officers, I went looking. I had no idea that missing person was going to be you, or that the missing person would find another missing person."

*Hello fellow readers! How are you doing today? Did you like this chapter? What was your favorite part? Your least favorite? I really like the last sentence of this chapter, "I had no idea that missing person was going to be you, or that the missing person would find another missing person." I think it provides a cool twist to the whole finding Alexia thing. I'm going to try and get another chapter posted soon!
Until the next chapter,

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