Chapter 23 {Part 2}

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Cam and Madi are hanging out at Cameron's house.

Cameron's POV-
Madi is really pretty, but Johnson has her. He is lucky. Right now Madi and I are chilling on my bed just talking as friends. I think. I don't know girls are confusing.

Madi's POV-
"Wanna play a game?" Cameron asked.

"Sure, what?"

"21 questions? I just tell each other about ourselves. I don't know, question game."

"Question game."

Cam smiled, "Alright Caylen, why'd you dress up?"


"Why'd you get all fancy?"

"Oh my god. Are you serious?" This is getting annoying.

"Fine. Fine. New question. Do you truly love Johnson?"

Why'd he ask me this? But wait, what's my answer. I mean yes, J is my boyfriend, "Yeah. He is my boyfriend."

Cam's smile dropped, "Alright your turn." He is acting weird.

"Um, I don't know. Are you single?"

"Yes, hopefully not for long though. Single is boring."

"I wouldn't know." I laughed.

He scooted closer to me, "Out of Magcon, who would you date? If you weren't dating Johnson."

"Well let's see, I dated Nash before, and Johnson. So neither of them. Hmm? I'm not sure. Maybe Taylor? He seems chill." I giggled a little bit because I could tell Cam was getting a little angry.

Cam laid down, I did too.

"Madi?" That was the first time he called me by my first name.

"Yeah Cameron?" I kinda mocked him.

He turned over to look at me but I stayed still, "Look at me, please?"

I turned over to him, our eyes are locked to each other's. It felt awkward.

"Yes Cam?"

He did say anything back, he just looked at me. I closed my eyes. Did I do something wrong? I felt a pair of lips smash into mine. I soon realized I was kissing back. It felt so wrong. But kinda right.

I backed away, "Um."

"Shit, "Cameron sad up, "Madi I'm sorry."

"Why are you calling me Madi?"

"That's your name."

I kinda wanted to cry, "But you always have called me Caylen, what's changing?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't. I'm mad, sad, stupid but happy right now." He looked down. 

"Cam, talk to me."

"I can't," He wouldn't look up at me, "I'm so fucking stupid."

"No your not." I lifted his head up, "You're smart, talented, really cute, and an amazing friend."

"Did you just say I was cute?" He smiled a bit.

"Dallas, do you like me?"

"It's kinda obvious. I do yeah."

"Dallas, I'm sorry. But I'm with Johnson. Wow we use last names a lot. Anyway, I would date you if I was single but I can't break up with him. Just for you."

"I mean you could."

"No I can't. I have to have a reason and proof."

"I know." He sighed, "Why'd you kiss back?"


"No really, why?"

"I don't know." I honestly didn't know why.

"Caylen, if I'm being honest, I've liked you since we first met at-" I cut him off,

"Magcon. We first met at Magcon because Mahogany and I used to be bestfriends and she invited me to the one in Dallas as a guest." I smiled.

"Yeah. But anyway, I'm sorry."

"For what? Kissing me?"

"Yeah, that kinda made you cheat on Johnson. Didn't it?"

"Kinda yeah." I looked at my phone for the time: 9:37pm, "Shit." I jumped off Cam's bed and grabbed my shoes. I slipped them on, "Dallas I need to be home. Jc will kill me."

"Oh shit, let's go." He said and we rushed to the car, once we got outside I saw someone I thought I would see for a couple of days, Johnson.

"Hey babe." He said giving me a hug, "Watcha doing here this late?"

"I came to hang with Cam and we didn't keep track of the time." I said a little nervous, "He was actually about to drive me home."

"I'll drive you." Jack smiled.

"Alright," I turned to Cam, "Text me? We can hang out maybe next weekend? I don't know."

"Alright, stay cloudy Caylen." He laughed.

"That's Jc's thing!" I laughed as I walked to Jack's car. I got in, so did Jack.

"Why were you here?" He asked starting the car.

"I told you. I was chilling with Cam. Because you had to work."

"I'm overreacting, sorry. I just don't like you hanging with him. Wait where's Nash?"

"Oh he left when I arrived, he had a date with his dad." I laughed, "Chad flew in with Sky this morning and surprised Nash."

"Oh, so it was just you and Cam? Alone?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Did you kiss him?"

"Are you serious? Just because I hang out with Cameron for the day because you were working, you automatically think I am cheating." Little did he know I did kiss him.

"I'm sorry." He said pulling up in the driveway, "Here we are."

"Thanks J." I kissed his cheek and left the car, without saying I Love You.

"Madi?" Jack called out.

I walked over to his window, "Yeah?"

"I love you." He lightly smiled.

"You too." I smiled. I guess I did say it. I waved bye and walked inside, no site of anyone.

I went in the living room, and saw Trevor sleeping on the couch. Guess he is staying? I jogged up to my room and went inside.

I changed into my pajamas and crawled in bed. I got a text from Jc.

Jc- You home?
M- Yeah. Where you at?
Jc- Outside w/ Kian, Connor, and Ricky
M- Sam and Lily?
Jc- Inside somewhere.
M- Alright.
Jc- Do me a favor?
M- What?
Jc- Bring 4 beers outside from the kitchen.
M- NO! You know I hate you drinking, and plus Con and Ricky don't drink.
Jc- Damn. And Ik I just wanted to see what you would say 😂
M- Do you actually need something?
Jc- Nope. How was it with Cam?
M- Good I guess.
Jc- Alright well I'm gonna go Night Sis.
M- Night.

I put my phone on the charger and thought about what happen with me and Cam. What would Jack think? He would be pissed.

Thoughts swam through my mind but then soon sleep took over me.

Shit. Well. That happen.

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