Chapter 42

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Like I said in my A/N:

-Time Skip / 7 months (Madi has been single)

-Kian still loves Madi

-Leah is now two y/o and she can walk and babble

-Con got over Madi and he is dating.. oops. 

Read To Find Out

Madi's POV-

It has been seven months since that night. Since Kian told me he still loves me.

  Let me catch you up on what has happened in the past several months, with me and with everyone else. Buckle up. 

Okay so to begin. After that night it was just awkward. Throughout the past seven months, I have been to some parties (Obvi Con had Leah) Anywho, I, being the drunk idiot I was, and Kian, being also a drunk idiot. We uhmm. Well I woke up in a bed naked with him. 

I woke up before him so I snuck out and went to my room. Later that day, he knew he had drunk sex with someone he just couldn't remember who which gave me relief. To this day he still doesn't know about it. 

Jc and Jenn well uh. Took a break I guess? I honestly forgot they were official. I don't know I guess Dom posted something about Andrea and Jc hanging out and Jenn is overreacting about it. I don't know.

Who else? Uhm. Ricky is boring. Nothing new except he's looking for his own house which kind of sucks. Sam and Lily, we haven't really talked a lot but I guess they are doing good. Trevor is uh. He's being honest with himself. I'll say that. Is there anyone else? Well Connor. He's been good. He is a real good dad and here's there when I need him, I honestly believe that we are back to the being best of friends. 

I guess that is pretty much it. I don't think I need to explain much more. Well let's go to reality. 

I'm still just laying in my bed and I haven't gotten out of bed yet. As I lay in my bed, on my phone, someone decided to knock on my door. Great. People. 

I groan, "Yes? Who is there?"

"Just me." A male voice says coming in my door, appearing to be Ricky. 

"Hey Rickster, what's up?" I said sitting up in my bed. 

He ignored my question and started rummaging through my closet. He picks something out for me and throws it at me, "Get dressed, and meet me in my car. We are going to Starbucks and probably the mall."

I give him a questioned look and nod. Ricky picked out my dark blue ripped shorts and my Forever21 black sweatshirt. I got dressed and threw my hair up in a messy bun, applied light nude makeup, and slipped on my adidas. I grabbed my wallet and phone and left my room.

I walked downstairs and saw Jc and Kian on the couch. They both looked at me. Kian was starring. I cleared my throat, "Jc, I'm going with Ricky apparently. Just to let you know."

"He told me, thank you sis." Jc replied. I nodded and walked out of the house, I could feel Kian's eyes following me.

I got in the car and Ricky greets me, "Took you long enough."

"Got held up with my makeup." I laughed, "So why I we going places?" I asked as my phone dinged. 

I looked at my phone, it was a text from Kian. 

Kiki ; wow. you looked amazing. 

I ignored the text and listened to Ricky, "We are going places because I am bored and I couldn't let you suffer with that whole Kian problem." Ricky smiled.

"Aw thanks Rickster."

"He still doesn't know?"

"Not a clue. He totally dropped it with everyone when he couldn't figure out who he had sex with." I chuckled. 

I told Ricky what happened at the party because I could not of told Connor at the time and I am not going to tell him now because it has been a while and it would be pointless.

Kian's POV-

Wow. She looked amazing. Her skin is so perfectly tanned, her hair is just perfect any way. She is so perfect. God, I just wanted to kiss her but she left with Ricky. I'm going to text her.

Me ; wow. you looked amazing. 

after I sent my text, I went on twitter and tweeted;

"@KianLawley : damn. she's so fine. i wish she was mine."

It immediately got retweeted and liked. I shrugged it off and went upstairs and decided to take a nap. 

Madi's POV-

"Oh my god. Madi!" Ricky laughed. 

"What?" I said taking a sip of my Starbucks.

"Kian just tweeted, 'damn. she's so fine. i wish she was mine.' I'm weak." 

"Oh my. We should take a selfie and tweet 'sorry she's mine.' It'd be so funny." I suggested. So we did as I said. Ricky tweeted it out and people soon started replying and tagging Kian, it was so funny. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Let's go to Lush, I need a new face mask." Ricky complained. 

* hours later *

Ricky and I return home with bags from Lush, Forever 21, PINK, Pacsun, and Hollister. "Thank you Rickster for taking me. I needed it." 

"Anytime, I understand everything was very stressful and it's harder to keep a secret from people when you're around everyone." He said opening the front door. 

I look down to watch my step, "Yeah, I would tell Kian that the drunk sex was with me but," I cut myself off as I looked up and saw Kian. I felt my heart drop, that's the last thing I wanted to do. I quickly ran to my room with my bags. 

I set my bags down on my floor and before I could get over to my door and lock it, Kian appeared in the doorway. I speak, "Excuse me but I really need to close my door so I can get something out from behind it."

Kian took a moment then finally spoke up, "It was you? I worried about who I had drunk sex with for months, Madi! I came to thoughts were a got that girl pregnant. I didn't know what to think because I didn't know who it was. It was you all along." 

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say. I sat on my bed in silence. Kian walked into my room, closed the door and sat beside me. 

"I am relieved that it was you, but I am upset that you didn't tell me. Why?" Kian asked. 

"Because I don't know. I guess I was embarrassed. I left that morning. I snuck out of your room. It was weird. We were drunk." I sighed.

"Look at me." Kian stated, and so I did, "If I kissed you, soberly, what would you do?" He's full of questions tonight.

"Kian, don't." I looked down in my lap. He sighed, "Madi, I never stopped loving you, you know that. By the way, that tweet, of Ricky's, made me laugh." 

I chuckled, "I know Kian." I continued to look at my lap. 

Kian grabbed my hand, "Look at me, and tell my why we can't take another chance?"

I sighed once more, "I honestly don't know. We didn't work the first time. What makes you think we can work now?"

"Cause the first time your brother was the reason. i think that we are perfectly okay now. So come on, let's give it a shot." Kian smiled.

I thought about for a moment. Maybe he's right. Maybe we can. I took a deep breath, "Okay. Yes."

"I understand that but Ma- Wait what? Yes? You for real?" Kian said surprised. 

I nodded and smiled. He kissed my cheek and ran out my room. Well then okay. That's how that was ended. 


there's probably not many more chapters left of this. oops. but hey guys guess wHO IS BRINGING HOME STRAIGHT As ON HER REPORT CARD THIS QUARTER. IM HAPPY AND PROUD OF MYSELF. 

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