Chapter 32

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Madi's POV-

Connor and I stormed out of the apartment. To be honest I really don't care if I just left everyone behind. I need to find my bestfriend.

"Connor? Where would of Lily gone? She could've went to the statue of liberty for all we know!"

"Madi, calm down. She probably just ran to her dorm."

"And that is where exactly?" I kinda said annoyed because, honestly, I hate when Lily runs off.

"Probably at her college. We can just go to the front desk and ask."

*Time Skip because it's TWDandJaiWaetford and I don't know what to put*

"The lady said she was on the third floor of building 4." Connor said.

As we were walking up, I saw someone else going towards Lily's dorm.

"Excuse me?" I asked walking up to her.

"Oh my God. You're Madi Caylen and Connor Franta. You're Lily's brother."

"You know Lily?"

"I'm one of her best friends."

'We're looking for her." Connor spoke.

"She's probably in the auditorium. If you go out this building, its to you left and just keep walking. You'll find it."


"Why are you at Lily's dorm?"

"Same as you. I'm looking for her."

"Well thanks."

"I'm gonna go try somewhere else." With that she ran off.

Connor and I walked out of the building, and saw her running off somewhere else.

"Do you think she lied to us?"

"Are you up for a little adventure?"

We ended up following Lily's friend to another building. She went into a room and we waited outside of it.

A few minutes later we heard Lily's voice.

"Lily I know you're in there." Connor said.

The door opened and there stood Lily.

"Hi guys." she whispered.

"Can you please come talk to us?" I asked.

She looked back into the room, sighed, and closed the door behind her.

"I didn't mean to tell you. Connor was going to." I started.

"Yeah, but he told you first."

"Lily it's my life. I can tell whoever I want to tell."

"I'm your sister! I just thought that you would tell me first. Or at least before your friends found out."

She was being so stubborn.

"I was just being there for him."

"Oh shut up Madi! You were probably just trying to get with him like you do with everyone?"

"Excuse me?!"

She was not going where I think she was going.

"You go from guy to guy to guy. Your drama gets kinda annoying. Not my fault that you're a fucking slut!"

"Lily!" Connor yelled in my defense.

"It's true Connor! She almost slept with Cameron while dating Jack! She's dated Nash like 50 times. She hurt Kian, and she dated Trevor. Oh wait. She stole Trevor from me. Madi. Is. A. Slut."

I had tears in my eyes.

Before I knew what I was doing, I slapped Lily in the face.

"Maybe I will just forget you exist!" Then I ran off.

I didn't know New York that well, but I still ran. Actually, once I was off campus I got tired, so I walked. As long as I was away from Lily.

She is..was my best friend. I know we've had our ups and downs, but why would she call me a slut? I could've called her a suicidal freak. She was my sister though, so I couldn't.

I wasn't looking where I was going, and the effect of that, was I walked into someone.

"I'm so-" And then I noticed who it was. "Cam?"

"Madi? Why are you here?"

"The O2L tour. Why are you here?"

"I have an interview."

"For what?"

"My movie."

"Expelled right?"

"How'd you know?"

"I've seen stuff that you've posted."

Cam nodded.

"So." he said.

"So." I copied.

"I see you're back with Nash."


We stood there in an awkward silence for 5 minutes, before another familiar face appeared.

"Madi I was looking all over for you!" Nash yelled.

"I was heading back when I bumped into Cam."

"What up man?" Cam asked doing the high-five bro hug thing.

I grabbed Nash's hand and started walking away.

"I'll see you later Dallas."

"You too Caylen."

Once we were far enough away from Cam, I told Nash, "Nothing happened. I promise."

"I didn't say anything did."

"But you were thinking it."

He sighed.

"I just get jealous easily. I don't like it when we're apart."

I hugged him.

"Can we just go back to the hotel and cuddle? I've had a bad day."

*Back at the Hotel*

"Are you okay Madi? I heard what happened." Jc yelled running up to me.

"Yeah I'm fine." No I really wasn't.

"I can't believe Lily would say that to you." Trevor said.

"She probably just got really mad and blew up. You have to look at it from her perspective. She was already mad at us, and with the stress from the tour coming up and her competition. I'm sure she's overwhelmed." Sam replied.

"Sam, we all know you still have feelings for her. That doesn't make it okay to stick up for her when she did something bad."

"She forgives you guys all the time! Except for this one time. But that's not the point. The point is, she's stuck with all of us through everything. Madi, she was still friends with you when you and Trevor started dating. When you guys broke up, she was there to support you. Lily's helped you with all your boy drama. Kian, she's one of your best friends. You can't turn your back on her. Guys, she's family. And family doesn't turn on each other. I don't care if you guys do, but I'm not giving up on her. I've made my choice, now you make yours."

I sighed and walked to my room.

"You okay Mad?" Jc asked following me.

"He's right Jc. She's family."

"So are you going to talk to her?"

"No. She still needs to apologize. Besides, I told her I would act like she didn't exist. I'm not going soft Jc. She'll need to get me back, because I'm not crawling back. Even if she is my best friend."


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