Chapter 38

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One Year After Lily Found Out The Truth

Madi's POV-
"I can't believe Leah is already one." Nash said wrapping his arms around my waist, while we're watching Leah fall asleep in her crib.

"Yeah.." I drifted off. Nash and I walked out of Leah's room and went into the the living room. A couple months after Leah was born, Nash and I got our own apartment.

Connor takes Leah every other week. But we all pretty much hang around each other a lot.

Nash and I sat down on the couch and I asked, "Do you know when Connor's coming?"

"Around 4, I think."

I nodded my head and then let time pass.

4pm. Connor is now at the house.

"Hey Connor?" I spoke.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can I ask you a couple questions?"

"Sure?" He stated, but sounded more like a question.

"Have you um.." I drifted, "Heard from Lily lately?"

His head dropped and shook, "No, she hasn't even contacted any of the other guys. Except Sam. She calls our parents once a month. She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts."

"Do you think she's still mad at us?" I sighed, "For not telling her about Leah."

"I have no clue." Connor frowned, "Remember how she said, "But when I die, you all know a reason why I didn't say goodbye"?"

I started speaking, "You think she's de-" He cut me off, "God no. I hope she isn't. But, why do you think she said that?"

"She wanted to leave the hospital room because of a doctor appointment, then she said that. Do you think she's sick? Like she has disease, or something?" I asked him.

"I don't know, she seemed healthy." He shrugged.

"Con, you know she's the opposite of healthy , she's suicidal, depressed, and broken. She's not healthy. But there's more to this. I can tell."

We both sighed and went back to Leah, she was smiling and giggling. Soon the time came to where Connor took her to his house.

Nash's POV-
After Connor left, Madi seemed a little off. I really wanted to talk to her about it but it was already 8pm, and she's gets up at 4am. So I'm not sure if she wants to talk about or not.

We both got ready for bed, then crawled into bed. Before I turned out the light, I decided to ask her, "Babe, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." Simply she stated.

"You seem worried, after Connor left with Leah. Do you not trust him? He's taken care of her before by him-" She cut me off, "No, Nash. It's not that. Just Lily hasn't talked to any of the guys, except Sam. Sam won't say anything about her. She don't want to be apart of Leah's life, is what it seems." She started to tear up.

"Hey, hey, hey. You know that isn't true. Lily loves Leah." I comforted her.

"No she doesn't! She hasn't even seen Leah for a year! She barely even held her in the hospital."

"Because we kept the damn secret Madi! All three of us, knew it was wrong to keep from her! It's her niece. BY BLOOD." I raised my voice.

"Why are you yelling!?"

"It just doesn't seem right." I sighed.

"What doesn't seem right?" Madi asked me.

A million thoughts were going through my head. Leah isn't my child. Not by blood. How have I put up with this for a year? Connor is the father. I'm not related to this child. Why did I play along with this?

Many moments of silence went by. Then I finally spoke, "Nothing. Forget it." I turned off the light then went to sleep. Ignoring Madi.

The Next Day (Madi's POV)

I woke up before Nash, he was acting really weird last night and wouldn't tell what "doesn't seem right". I got a shower and got dressed, then started making breakfast. I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

I heard footsteps approaching, then I saw a messy haired, tired, Nash.

"Morning." I said quietly, while placing food on a plate for him.

"Madi, I'm sorry about last night." He said sitting down.

"Don't be, it's whatever. Here eat, I'm picking up Leah after I eat then I want to take her to the park."

"I'll come with."

"I'll go pick Leah up right now, and when I get back you better be ready." I kissed him on the cheek, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

*Connor's Apartment*

"Hey Con." I smile as I walk in.

"Hey.." He drifted.

"You okay? Where's Leah?"

"Leah is in her jumper, and not really."

I walked towards Connor, and put my hand on his shoulder, "What's wro-" Surprisingly a pair of lips cut me off. I backed away.


"I'm sorry, ever since I've known about Leah I've been questioning my sexuality, Leah is a miracle and I know I like boys but I think I also like girls." He explained.

"So that'd make you bisexual?"

"I believe so. Made, I'm sorry I kissed you."

"Con, it's okay. No matter what we are, you and I have some sort of connection, because we have Leah."

Connor and I continued talking then I told him I'm taking Leah to the park today with Nash. I got Leah and made my way back to the apartment.

I walked in with Leah and yelled, "Nash, you ready?"

I heard footsteps flying, "Yeah let's go."

*At The Park*

Nash and I are sitting on a bench while Leah is snacking on her little foods. I look up and can't believe who I saw.

"Nash look." I said without turning my head, there stood Sam and Lily, holding hands.

"Oh shit." Was all Nash said.



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