Chapter 9

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After seeing what Jane did my hair, I think it was safe to say I looked HOT! She cut my hair to have layers, yet still be long and Luscious. My bangs were straight across my forehead and my hair had little ringlets in it. I was all ready for the walk tomorrow with slender.
"No your not Persephone come back here" Jane said bickering me towards her with my finger. I walked towards her. " You need to plan a sweet outfit for tomorrow morning." She said rooting through her closet before saying ah ha! She pulled out a short black dress that was definitely skin tight, it had long sleeves and was low cut to show my perky breasts. "My god he is not going to take his hands off you!" She squeaked loudly. " Here take this and wear it tomorrow" Jane said. " I need a little me time right now" she said ushering me outside her door before slamming it. Oh she must mean some "alone" time. I chuckle and walk downstairs to meet Ben so we can play that video game I promised.
"Hey Ben!" I say waving to him across the room.
"Hey Persephone wanna play now!?" He asked excitedly, my my he was like a little child." Persephone God you look beautiful!" Ben exclaimed, making me blush. I sat down and he handed me the controller before we started to play GTA.

I started to bawl my hands in fists, when I heard Ben call Persephone beautiful. How dare he possibly think he would even get close to her. I tuned around and headed back to my study, opening the door and sitting down. When I told Persephone that I was busy today, I wasn't really THAT busy. I was just nervous and caught off-guard when she asked me for a walk. When I made the deal with her, I didn't really find any creepy pasta potential in her, my original intentions was to make Rose my next victim but when Persephone stood her ground at me and wanted to save rose I made a deal with her, because I found her quite beautiful. I started to blush. Oh no wait STOP. The slenderman can not really have a crush on her can I?! God damn what is wrong with me I asked myself, but then again I did sleep with Arabella. More times than I would like to admit. I mean I do not have any feelings towards her, she was just a good one night stand over and over. Apparently she fell in love with me, and thinks I'm hers. Sigh. If Persephone would make me hers I'd be one happy...thing but I shake my head, she is a beautiful pure angel and I am nothing more then a monster.

I heard the door of Slender's study slam. What's up with him? Oh well currently I was kicking Ben's ass at GTA.
"Goddammit!" Ben screams slamming down the controller for I just won again. "Man Persephone" Ben said. "Your good." He commented and winked. ugh he better not like me.
"Uh thanks Ben!" I say walking away. " But I gotta go get ready for dinner now!" I say before heading towards Slender's study. I knock twice before I enter. I see slender sitting down reading.
"Oh Persephone, so glad to see you again" he says putting the book down, turning towards me.
"I'm sorry to intrude slender but I'm just wondering when will dinner be done?" I ask him sheepishly.
"Oh that's what I forgot" slender said standing up and leading me and him out the door. " Come, would you like to help me cook and prepare dinner?" Slender asks me.
"Sure I would love to!" I say following slender to the kitchen. He grabs a few pans and opens the fridge door to bring out some butter, vegetables, cheese and some tomato sauce. He also took out of the cabinet, some pasta. "What are you making slender?" I ask behind him.
"I'm cooking some Lasaga" slender said putting the pasta into the pot and turning off the stove. "Persephone could you please cut some cheese for me." Slender asked not turning around because he was frying up some vegetables.
"Sure slender" I say grabbing the knife and cheese. As I started to cut my finger managed to slip under the blade as it came down, cutting my finger. I screeched and that alarmed slender a great deal.
"What happened?!" He asked frantically, while i clutched my finger in my other hand. "its okay" slender said soothing me. "Let me see" he said trying to grab my hand. He turned my hand over, to show a deep gash on the side of my finger, almost reaching the bone. It was gushing blood.
"Slender it's fine all I needs is a bandaid" I tried to say, although my voice shook.
"No no Persephone come with me to get it cleaned up and bandaged." he said calmly to me before shouting. "JEFF, JACK!" Slender called and soon they came running.
"Yes" they both said in Union.
" I need you to make supper, while I help Persephone. It's not hard I already have it started." Slender said, while walking away leading me towards his....bedroom? " come, don't be scared." He said before letting me enter. How room was huge and so was everything inside, but I didn't have time too look before he lead me into his private bathroom. " Sit on the sink" he said pulling out the first aid kit. As I sat down he cleaned and dressed my wound, as gently as he could, even though I still flinched a couple of times. "It's done Persephone" he said putting it away and helping me off the sink. " Come you must be hungry." He said opening his door and leading me out. Across the hall I saw Arabella, mouth agape in shock, for she saw us come out of Slender's room. Her face twisted in anger and instead of me being mad, I smiled and stuck up my middle finger.

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