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WOOO HOOO ITS OVER! Lol thanks all for joining me on this lovely story. Do not worry a new slender story will come with the same names but VERY DIFFERENT. This one was fluffy and one will be truly horrifying. The nest story will be psychological horror, with slim to no romance. It will portray slenderman as the horrifying character we have come to learn about him. This one will NOT be fluffy! But cold hard emotions and violence. When will it be up you ask? Well soon! My YouTube channel where I rate and review novels both published and fanfiction, will be on the go soon! So it will be soon but not right away, I need to work on other stories as please SHARE ME OFF! The more viewers I get.....the more I will think about PUBLISHING MY BOOKS! Doesn't that sound fantastic? So please share me off. Thanks everyone I love you all!

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