The pain that let me see a beautiful face.

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I scrunched my sleeping eyes at the bright light that was shining through my window, waking me up. Opening them after having another restless night of tossing and turning. I rolled my head to the side of my pillow to look at my alarm clock.

7:15 AM

It looks like I beat my alarm clock this morning. I raised up my body and rubbed my eyes immediately trying to adjust better to the bright surroundings in my room. Reaching towards my alarm clock and shutting the timer off so I would be sure not to wake my parents up. I heard them come in late, they must have done a lot of over time.

I swung my warm blanket off of myself and embraced myself for the chilliness that was lurking in my room. Pushing myself off my bed slowly, not wanting to rush to start my long day. I walked over towards the window that had let the sun shine on my face, waking me up for my sleep. Opening the curtain more and looking out the window at the orange leaves that were hanging off the trees. Fall had always been my favorite season but I never looked forward to the chilliness in the mornings that came along with it.

I heard a couple thuds come from downstairs, instantly rolling my eyes knowing exactly what had caused the ugly sound.

Walking over towards my door, cracking it just enough to hear what my brother was mumbling to his drunk self. He must have just came in from another partying night spending, our parents hard earned money.
I opened my door just a tad more so that I could sneak out trying not to let anyone hear that I was awake, especially my brother. Walking down the stairs quietly, slipping into the kitchen without my brother noticing me from the living room.

Successfully making it to the kitchen, I let out a breath of air that I had been keeping in from the sneaking and trying to stay quiet. Reaching up to one of the cabinets, grabbing out one of the breakfast bars that I had hid so that I had something simple to eat every morning before I went to work.


My heart instantly fell as I accidentally dropped the breakfast bar on the counter.

I stood still, fearful of my brother having heard my mistake.

"Adalyn, is that you."

It was more of a statement rather than a question. I could clearly tell how drunk he was just by the way he slurred my name.

"Yes, I'm getting breakfast before work. You should go to bed, mom and dad have been worried all night." I hoped he listened to what I said so that he can leave me alone and not throw one of his drunk tantrums.

"Worry about yourself."

I thought too soon.

"Just because you're the good child doesn't mean you can stick your fucking nose in my business and tell me what I should do."

What is he even talking about? His drunk mind can't even function a proper response to what I had said to him. All he ever wants to do is fight with me. I don't have time for him today.

"Alright, Linnex."

I could hear him walking towards the kitchen and I quickly grabbed my breakfast bar of the counter and ran towards my room trying to avoid his violent ways and yelling voice, fearful of his stupidity waking our parents up.
I could hear his drunk mumbling of rude words towards me while I was going up the stairs. Quickly opening up my door, I grabbed my work clothes and walked into the bathroom to get ready for another stressful day.


I got to work and was instantly aggravated to find someone had taken my parking spot. Ignoring it, I pulled into the parking spot next to it.
Can this day get any more stressing?
Walking into work, immediately looking at the board to see what I had to do today.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now