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All I could do was stare at him as he stepped down the stairs. My mind drew a blank, I didn't know what to do but stare. He stepped in front of me and placed a wet rag against the wound on my eyebrow, wincing in pain.

"I told them not to hit you that hard.."

I looked up at him, he was smiling as he cleaned my cut.

"What do you mean.."

He cleaned all the blood from my face before looking down at me with those unforgettable sunk in tired eyes.

"I knew you would run from me, so.. I had someone stop you. I didn't think they would hit you in the face with a wooden board."

He chuckled and smiled at me. He was a sick man.. I knew it all too well at this point.

He lifted up his body, looking down at me.

"Why did you leave your precious boyfriend. I thought you knew my games better, Adalyn. Even if you did leave, I would still go after them!"

He laughed loudly as he bent forward, clenching his stomach as if he found a large amount of amusement in his twisted games. My body felt numb. I wouldn't be here if I just stayed with Hoseok. My head fell, not having any more energy to keep it up. Images of Hoseok and Jin flooded my mind, they told me they would protect me. But I was stupid! I should have listened to them! Tears fell down my cheeks as I found realization in my own stupid selfish acts..

Linnex gripped me hair and swung my head back, so I wasn't looking down anymore. He leaned his face in close to mine.

"Crying now, are we? What, realizing how pathetic you actually are?"

Tears staining my cheeks as I looked up at his enraged face, I couldn't help but remember the good times we shared those many years ago.

"Why.. Why are you doing this to me.."

He let go of my hair, he looked like he was surprised by my question. His eyes told me a million things were running through his head.


He chuckled lightly before leaning to whisper in my ear.

"Because you fucked up my life."

He lifted up and started pacing in circles in front of my slowly. He rose up his hands in defeat as he looked at me and smiled.

"Because you fucked my life up, Adalyn! Do you know what I went through! Did you know they sent me to rehab because of your stupid ass! They restrained me, they brainwashed me, they put me through things no high schooler should ever go through!"

I gulped as he raised his voice at me. He suddenly fell to his knees and gripped his own hair in between his long thin fingers.

"I didn't want to be this way, Adalyn. Sometimes.. I can still vaguely remember how things used to be. I can still remember the little girl that I would do anything to protect.."

He lifted his face out of his hands and have me a twisted smile.

"But.. That ignorant pathetic boy is long gone. When I came home from that rehab facility, I remember looking at your face. I remember feeling my body burn with anger, each step you took towards me. I hated you for what you did to me. I wanted revenge, for the time you took from me and had me suffer!"

I searched his face, I could see all of the emotions finally leaving his body. Everything now finally starting to come out.

"You turned me into the sick twisted man that I am today. But.. When that pretty boyfriend of yours stopped the punishment I was giving you and knocked me on my ass... The hatred got more intense. After the embarrassment you gave me, I wanted to see you suffer more greatly."

He got off of his knees and walked over, behind the mirror. He pulled out a small box and sat it beside the chair I was sitting in. I kept quiet, knowing he would hit me if I tried to scream or call for help. With my arms bounded to the chair, he had me vulnerable.

"See these?"

He lifted a pair of scissors out of the box and raised them up to my view. My stomach twisted in knots thinking of what was possibly going through his head. He went behind the chair that I was sitting in and grabbed my long hair with one hand.

"Such pretty hair.. I wonder what your pathetic boyfriend would do if it was gone.."

And with that last word he cut all of my hair off, now the short pieces sagging against my face. I sighed inside my head, thankful that he did no physical harm. I know this is the beginning of his sick twisted games though.

He chuckled at the blank expression I had on my face.

"No reaction? Bummer, well, time for the fun then."

He quickly rustled some things in the box and pulled out a lighter with a long metal bar with a "L" at the end.

"Know what this is?"

My body winced as I soon realized what it was. It was a way to brand someone... He was going to burn me..
He lit the lighter and slowly let the "L" burn red with fire, letting his know that it was immensely hot.

"Hold still.."

He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed it down slightly, letting just below my collar bone show. I closed my eye and bit my lip hard, I can't escape this..

He chuckled and pushed the hot metal against my flesh. Letting the screams come out of my throat and mouth as the "L" melted in my skin. He lifted the bar off of my skin, letting a blood red "L" show on my flesh.

"Wow, that turned out better than I expected."

Tears quickly rolling down my cheeks as I tried to ignore the burning sensation that was running through my body. It hurt.. It hurt, I could barely stand it. My body shook and trembled at the pain that was circulating through me. I could feel my body lose huge amounts of energy because of what it had just went through, I knew I would pass out very soon.

"Hold on for just a little bit longer, the fun just started."

He pushed his finger inside the wound on my eyebrow, screaming from the pain.

"Ah.. That's what I wanted to see.. I love that look on your face."

I looked up at him as he smiled towards me. My body was getting weaker and weaker by the second. My body felt wet, I glanced down at my shirt, I was covered in blood. I quickly looked at the branded mark, he must have pushed it hard against my skin to make it bleed like it was. I was losing to much blood to keep my body fully awake. All I could hear was Linnex's giggling until another familiar voice infiltrated my ears, I quickly looked up with the last bit of energy I had left.


I opened my lips slightly, whispering softly.

"Hoseok.. Please.. Save me.."

My eyes went black and I let my body go unconscious. Letting me escape from this torture.


I'm sorry that this chapter went a little twisted. I hope no one felt uneasy reading this! If they did, I'm very sorry!!

Please be sure to vote and comment! I love seeing all the support everyone gives me! You all are so kind to me. I'm very thankful.

Please have a beautiful night (or whatever time zone you're in) I hope your day is beautiful.

Next update very soon, look forward to the next chapter!! <3

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