White Room

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My eyes opened so see a white blur. I could feel that I was laying down on something. My vision was still blurry, but I could tell that I was looking straight up at a beautifully lit white ceiling. My eyes slowly moved to the side of me, towards the light, to see a plain white wall with a window positioned in the middle. I moved my head slightly to look past my shoulder at a hospital machine showing my heart rate and blood pressure. So.. I was in the hospital..

I looked to the other side of the room, slightly jumping from seeing Hoseok sitting in a chair with his arms and head resting on my bed. He was asleep. I looked closer at his face, he had been crying, that much I could tell. His face was red and his hair was an absolute mess. I could tell that he was hurting, even when he's asleep.

I raised my hand towards his face, the heart monitor attached to my finger, and slowly moved a couple strands of hair out of his face. He hesitantly opened his eyes, he looked confused until his eyes met mine and he instantly shot up form the chair and quickly lunged over the bed to hug me.

"You're finally awake!"

I yelped out in pain as he put pressure against my chest. Something was burning there..
He pulled himself off of me, looking down at me with tears welled up in his eyes. He sat back in his chair next to my bed and took my hand into his. I looked around the room and finally back at him.

"What happened.."

I could see his heart break in his eyes. He thought for a moment before looking down at our hands.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get there sooner.."

Those words made images run harshly through my mind. Remembrance of seeing Linnex on the sidewalk and getting hit in the head with a wooden board. I lightly lifted my hand up to eyebrow to feel a couple stitches placed over the wound. My memories became clearer as I remembered the basement. It was like a video playing inside my mind. I moved my hand from my eyebrow to feel the short hair that hung on the side of my face. Tears started to well up in my eyes as they moved down to my collar bone, feeling the bandage over it. He did this to me..

Hoseok noticed that I was getting upset and squeezed my hand tighter in his.

"I'm so sorry, Adalyn.."

I cut him off quickly and looked at him with a confused pleading look.

"How.. Did you even find me?"

He let out a long sigh and hung his head down for a moment before looking back up at me.

"I was walking up the opposite side of the street with Jin, we were looking for you. I remember seeing a girl running a little bit in the distance  and I instantly knew it was you. I started to run after you until me and Jin watched you get knocked out by a couple of guys that were waiting around a corner for you. I promise I would have ran after you right then! But Jin grabbed me and held me back. He he fought me and made me calm down so we could rationalize the situation. We ran to the police station when I saw Your brother picking you off the ground and taking you off in the opposite direction."

He let a few tears drop from his eyes as he hung his head down again.

"I'm so sorry we couldn't get to you sooner.. I should have ran after you as soon as I seen you.. We just.. We just didn't know what to do and we panicked and went to the police.."

He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled at it gently.

"It took us a while to find the house he took you to.. But when we found it I remember hearing your screams... I ran down the stairs to see you.. See you.. Like that."

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