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Alcohol stained on the inside of his mouth, his deep voice whispered inside of my ear, something I will never forget.

"You think they care about you, Adalyn? You think they're willing to get hurt for you, baby sister? The wait is ending, leave or let them get hurt."

His words made my stomach twist and turn and I could almost feel my body wanting to reject the emotions through my stomach.

He slowly leaned back up, making long eye contact with me, then kissing my forehead and whispering against it.

"I look forward to seeing you again."

He backed away from me, never letting go of our eye contact. As soon as he was a couple feet away from me, he turned his back to me and walked out the door into the distance.

My chest pounded against my chest harshly before I fell to my knees, blankly staring nowhere as everyone walked past me in their own worlds. My heart felt like it was about to explode at any moment. I looked down at my arm, seeing the finger nail scars he left those many weeks ago. My body began to feel the same way again, breaking and crumbling inside myself.

I picked myself up off the floor, searching around to see if any of the boys were in the lobby. Was Linnex being serious about actually hurting them? Images of all of them, smiling faces, flashed trough my head. A couple tears dropped out of my eyes as I imagined Hoseoks face, I can't let this happen. I know this is what Linnex wants, but I can't let them get hurt over me.

Lightly smacking my cheeks and wiping my eyes, I walked back into the theater where everyone's eyes were glued to the screen. I took my place next to Hoseok, he noticed my presence and lightly smiled at me, shoving a couple pieces of popcorn in his mouth. I returned his smile, hoping he would believe it.

"Want some popcorn?"

He believed it.

I shook my head, making him shrug and shoved more pieces inside his mouth. Looking over Hoseoks shoulder, I looked at everyone. Suga and Namjoon had their full attention on the screen, it's liked they weren't trying to miss a single second. Jin had two popcorn bowls on his lap, shoving hand full after hand full into his mouth. He really must have a bottomless stomach. My eyes wondered over to V, he was making a weird face at the screen, I'm guessing he was just trying to focus. Looking past V, I soon realized why he was trying to focus so hard. Jungkook and Jimin were lightly whispering to each other and giggling at whatever they were talking about. I smiled at all of the boys before letting my own eyes look at the big screen, watching the movie with everyone else. Linnex was still running harshly through my mind.


The movie was over and we all sat up from our seats. Everyone started talking about the funny parts about the movie and which parts they liked the most. Jin looked down towards his watch at the time.

"Is everyone ready to leave?"

Everyone nodded towards Jin, all of us piling out the doors and into the vehicle. Still a cramp fit, my body squished between Jimin and Hoseok, but I didn't mind. I laid my head against Hoseoks shoulder as we began driving, my head felt heavier than usual.

We arrived home and everyone seemed to bolt towards the front door and inside they went. Linnex's words began running through my head, Hoseok noticing that something was wrong. He stopped me after we stepped through the front door and lifted my chin to look at him. Our eyes making a deep connection.

"Is something wrong?"

I smiled gently at his concern, but, I wasn't going to let him know what happened today.

"Nothing is wrong, Hoseok."

He leaned in and kissed my forehead before making eye contact with me again.

"You would tell me, wouldn't you?"

I smiled again at him and nodded my head. He let out a slow sigh and returned my smile back. He pointed behind him, still smiling.

"I'm going to talk to Jin about something, I'll be done in a bit."

He slowly walked away from me and out the archway to wherever Jin was in the house. I took the opportunity to bolt towards my bedroom door, locking it behind me.

I let out a long deep breath before agreeing with the plan I was creating in my head. I was going to pack some clothes and sneak out, I don't want any of them hurt. I won't go to where Linnex is, I'll stay at a hotel for now. It will help me clear my mind before moving on. Grabbing a suitcase out of my closet, I threw in as many clothes as I could fit. Ripping out a piece of paper from my notebook I wrote a letter to Hoseok, knowing he would be the first one to come into my room looking for me.

"I'm sorry. I had to leave. I can't let him hurt you. When this is all over and done with.. I promise I'll come back. Don't look for me, I'll be okay. Take care of everyone and give Jin a big hug for his hospitality..

I will miss all of you.."

Tears running down my face at this point, I laid the piece of notebook paper on my clean bed. I looked around, taking in all of the memories they gave me these past couple of weeks. Flashbacks ran in my mind of all the games, meals, dancing, we did. All the laughs and happiness they gave me, I will never forget. Regret crossed my mind as I knew how they all would feel after knowing I left, I need to protect them from Linnex.

I opened the window and threw my bags out the window, trying not to make a loud sound. Swiftly moving my legs through the window, I jumping lighting onto the ground and picked up my stuff. Silently running towards the front of the house, I peered in both directions to see if anyone was watching, I ran as fast as I could until I was out of sight from their house.

I checked into a hotel, decently far from their house, knowing they wouldn't find me here. I unpacked my belongings and laid my body on the bed they had in the room. Rubbing my forehead lightly, trying to soothe the oncoming headache, I decided to take a shower.

Walking into the bathroom, I quickly pulled off all of my clothes and ran the shower water. I stepped inside, letting the hot water lay against my sensitive skin. My body began to shake, finally letting it slowly break down with my mind. I let myself cry out all the emotions I had been holding onto all day. My tears mixing in with the water and sliding off my stained cheeks. I wrapped my arms around my body and let my mind wonder.


Stepping out of the shower after letting all of my emotions out, I dragged my heavy body to the bed, not bothering to put on any clothes. I had no energy to do anything. I just wanted to sleep and pretend this was all a dream. Closing my burdened eyelids, I let myself drift off into sleep hoping for better dreams.

I dreamt of Hoseok smiling at me..


Do you guys think it was smart for her to leave or should she had stayed with everyone?

Thank you for reading and being apart of my first book. I hope all of you have a beautiful day!

Don't forget to vote and comment, it means a lot to me! <3

Until next chapter, beautiful ^~^

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