Nursery Shopping

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Hosoek held me in his chest as I pathetically weeped to myself from all of the overwhelming emotions.

Knock knock.

"Is it okay for me to come in?"

It was jins voice on the other side of the door. Hosoek softly yelled out for him to come in. He peeked his head through the door looking at both of us, a gentle smile across his face as he fully stepped in. He walked over to where we were and handed me and envelope of our baby's pictures before letting a sigh of relief leave his lungs.

"I'm so happy you two made up. I'm sorry, Adalyn, for not telling you what Hoseok has been doing. He told me to keep everything secret until the time was right."

Hosoek gently lifted me off his chest and onto my feet, making sure I didn't fall getting off the bed. He slowly kissed my forehead before looking down at me, smiling.

"Let's get out of here and let the others know, I'm sure they've all been excited to find out."


Hosoek opened the front door for me, letting the door fall behind him and shut by Jin. We entered the living room to see everyone in their everyday positions.

Suga was of course taking a nap on the couch, claiming it to be "spending time with everyone". Rap monster and V were sitting on the other couch, eyes glued to the tv playing video games. Last but not least, Jimin was cuddling into jungkook's chest. Jungkook looked slightly uncomfortable with Jimin in his chest but his expression changed when he laid eyes on me. He quickly pushed Jimin off of him and ran towards us.


I shushed him as I looked around the living room at everyone staring at me, Suga even being awake now to hear the news. I let out a breath and smiled gently at everyone.


Looking at everyone face get increasingly more excited and anxious to know.

"It's a girl."

Jin immediately started skipping around like a fairy, lightly singing to himself.

"Pink clothes, pink room, pink everything!~"

Hosoek watched him and laughed at him.

"Jin, you already knew. Why are you reacting now?"

Jin stopped and looked at us.

"Because it was an emotional situation. Now, let me celebrate in peace."

Jimin quickly lifted up his shirt, gaining everyone's attention from Jin.

"I'll still teach her how to get abs like me.~"

Rap monster instantly smacked him in the back of the head and smiled at the both of us.

"Congratulation, both of you."

Suga quickly sat up and gave us his famous gummy smile adding onto rap monsters statement.

"Seriously, congratulations."

V shot up from the couch, running towards me and placing a hand on my stomach before giving me a square smile.


We all ended up piling into a car, heading towards a nursery store. Everyone was allowed to pick out their own gifts for our daughter.

As soon as we arrived to the store, Jungkook, V, and Jimin rushed out and ran inside. Leaving the rest to walk slowly with me as I drag my exhausted body inside. When we reached inside, Hoseok led me to a bench for me to sit down as I watched everyone disperse into different parts of the store.


An hour later, everyone started to come back. Jin, of course, being the first one. He had a cart full of everything pink. Pink blankets, bottles, clothes, toys, you name it. Everything was pink. We both looked at him, shocked to see something on his head. Hosoek spoke before I could get the chance to.

"Jin... What's on your head?"

He smiled gently, touching the thing that sat on top of his head.

"Oh, this?~ it's my pink tiara. I found it in the little girls section.~"

He smiled even brighter at the end of his sentence. Before Hosoek and I could respond rap monster approached us with a huge smile on his face. His smile faltered when he seen Jin, trying hard to keep his laughter in.

"Dude, what's on your head?"

Jin posed a cute face, responding.

"I'm a princess, duh."

Rap monster shook his head at Jin before returning his face and smile back to Hosoek and I. He held up and infant safety kit in view for us.

"Since I'm the "God of destruction" I want to be safe and make sure she doesn't get hurt.~"

Jimin quickly pushed him out of the way with a cart, a huge box in it. We looked closer at it to see it was a 'toddler training set' it had pink (fake) weights that were probably made of plastic. Jin spoke up first.


I giggled slightly at them as Jimin smiled brightly towards Jin.

"Might as well start early with getting those abs~ .... Why is there a tiara on your head?"


Jin and Jimin slightly argued as Suga walked up towards us, looking at them disappointedly. He quickly looked at us and gave his famous gummy smile again.

"I bought some designer clothes for your sweg daughter."

Mine and Hosoek's jaw instantly dropped. Why spend so much???

V suddenly appeared directly in front of my face that square smile wide across his face.


He held up a purple alien plushie, sitting it in my arms.

"Now she'll always know I'll be with her!!~"

I smiled down at the plushie, it's honestly very cute looking.


Looking past V, I saw Jungkook standing there with a tiny bag in his hands. He walked past V, standing in front of me as he slowly handed the bag to me.

"I really hope you like it, Nuna."

I lightly opened the bag to see a small jewelry box. Gently picking it up and lifting the cover off of it I revealed a sterling silver necklace with a heart positioned in the middle. The word written in the middle of the heart brought tears to my eyes.



How is everyone? Good I suppose.

I hate to say this but only 2 more chapters until this story will come to an end.. I loved making this story and everyone has been so kind to me.

Stay tuned for updates!!

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