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My body became tense as my heart pounded loudly against my chest seeing him standing in my door way.

His eyes were widened with shock and disgust as he looked at the scene before him.

I didn't want you to find out like this...

Linnex stood up and eyes Hoseok in disbelief and pure rage.
"Who the fuck are you!?"

He started walking towards Hoseok and my body unconsciously threw itself in front of my brother, tears rolling down my cheeks, scared of what he might do.

"Please don't hurt him!"

Linnex looked down at me in utter disgust as he threw me into the ground and kicked me in the gut, harshly.
I looked up to only find Hoseok frozen in place as he watched me curl and groan in pain.

Linnex walked slowly towards Hoseok in a slurred manner, dragging his feet against the floor with a crooked smile.

I shut my eyes, refusing to watch the only person that cares about me in this world get hurt, crying silently to myself as memories of his beautiful smile filled my mind. I shut out all of my senses, only focusing on his smile and his happy attitude.

I'm so sorry I led you to this...

I felt hands grip my waist, starting to fight desperately to get out of their grip, not opening my eyes to see a nightmare. They pushed through all of my fighting and squeezed me tightly against their chest.

"Stop fighting!"

I quickly opened my eyes to look up at a sobbing Hoseok clinging to me as if he felt he may never touch me again.
Looking around, I quickly spotted my brother passed out on the floor having been too drunk to take a couple hits to the face.

"Why didn't you tell me this!!"

His voice cracked as he lightly shook my shoulders trying to get a word out of me, but nothing would come out, no matter how hard I tried.

"Something worse could have happened if I didn't follow you home to make sure you were safe!! He could have hurt you severely!! Don't you understand that I care about you!! Why did you do this to me!?"

His cheeks were stained from tears as he loudly pleaded at me, throwing his head on my chest and squeezing me tighter, not letting go for dear life.
I ran my fingers through his hair as he clung to me, staining my shirt with his salty tears.

"I'm sorry.."

He lifted his head up slowly, leaning into my ear and whispered.

"Don't stay here."

I immediately looked at him with confusion and before I could part my lips to say something, his lips were on mine gently, quickly pulling away again.

"Please don't stay here, Adalyn. I refuse to let him touch you again. Come home with me and the boys, we can take care of you."

His eyes were filled with sincerity and his voice was soft as he spoke.

"Please come with me."

He lifted me up to my feet, holding onto me so that I can regain my balance and walked me towards the door.
I couldn't protest, he was right, I couldn't stay here any longer fearful of Linnex getting more violent. My parents knew what was happening, but they were too scared to do something about it. They'll understand.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now