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I took my seat across from her, Hoseok sitting right beside me. Studying her features more, I noticed a burn mark going down the left side of her neck. The scar was almost completely hidden by the purple scarf she was wearing, only the top part of it showing.

"Hello Beth, my name is Adalyn and this is Hoseok."

She smiled brightly and nodded her head.

"You two make a very lovely couple."

Hoseok took her hand in his, blushing slightly from the previous statement and gave her his famous hopeful smile.

"Very nice of you to meet us here ma'am."

She giggled slightly and shook his hand generously.

"Ohh, very handsome plus manners. You got yourself a fine young man here."

She winked at me, Hoseok letting go of her hand.

She leaned her body against the table, letting a smile cross her lips.

"So you read my article, dear?"

I nodded and smiled at her.

"Yes, I was just curious on what had happened in the facility to have it shut down.. Something about cruel and unusual treatment..?"

She lightly cleared her throat and held her hands together, putting them on the table. She clearly looked stressed from the situation, but, she still managed to give us a light smile.

"It's been years since I've worked there.. Yes.. Cruel and unusual treatment."

She shifted her body in the seat, trying to get mentally and physically comfortable with the words she was about to say.

"I was one of the many nurses that helped with the patients. Even if it was a rehab facility, most of the people in there were very nice. Many young people came in there.. I felt so bad for them.."

She squeezed her hands tightly together and I could see how hard of a time she was having telling us these things. I laid my hand on top of hers and looked softly into her eyes.

"You don't have to tell us everything Beth.."

She shook her head and smiled slightly.

"I need to get this off my chest, its been sitting for too long on the inside."

She sighed heavily and smiled gently at us.

"I remember the first time I witnessed it.. I was walking to one of my patients rooms, carrying a tray of food. I walked past a door that was slightly cracked hearing muffled sounds of 'please stop'. Curiosity took over my body and I back tracked in front of the door, peaking in through the crack."

She shut her eyes, holding back tears.

"There was a boy strapped to table, belts going around his body restraining him. He didn't look any older than 16. He was completely naked and had wires attached to his chest, arms, and legs. The doctor was asking him a series of questions. Things like 'why are you here' and 'what are you craving most right now'. The doctors treated them like they were animals, whenever a patient told them an answer that the doctor wasn't looking for he would... Run electricity through their bodies. The poor boy on the table was covered in sweat and tears as the doctor shocked him. His body convulsed each time. After a couple minutes of peeking through the door, I had to leave. It was too much for me to handle."

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now