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Sadness still running through my body, I picked myself off of my bed and wiped my tears.

"I can't stress myself out like this, I have a baby to keep healthy."

I pushed the images of Hosoek and the girl far in the back of my head as I walked out of the house and into my car. Starring at the steering wheel, I whispered to myself to reassure my uneasiness.

"... I'll just go see Linnex.."

Remembering Hoseoks words from this morning, I brushed them off. I'm too pissed off right now at him to even care what he has to say about me seeing my brother.

I started up the ignition and pulled out of our driveway, thoughts constantly circulating through my head uneasily.

Pulling into the parking lot of the jail, I glanced around. There wasn't very many cars. I walked to the front doors and looked up and down at them before letting out a deep breath that I was unaware I was holding in.

"It'll be okay."

I slightly pushed on the doors, letting myself slowly slip inside. The walls were a gray color, almost giving you a gloomy feeling. I guess that was expected, why would a jail be bright and happy.

Walking up to the front desk, I slowly watched the woman search through her folders before she finally noticed me. She looked like she was in her mid 50's, brown and gray hair mixed together as it was put up in a pony tail. She obviously didn't look friendly at all, almost having a 'rude' appearance as she peered up towards me.

"May I help you."

Her voice was uncharismatic, her words sounded strung out and heavy as she spoke.

"Yes, I was wanting to meet with my brother."

She sighed heavily, irritating me, as she opened up one the folders.

"Name please."


She searched through the names before standing up and pointing to a couple of seats that were in front of a window.

"Go wait there, he'll be out soon."

Quickly making my way over to the chairs, I sat in one, taking in the atmosphere and surroundings. There was a window in front of me with a telephone. On the other side, it was the exact same.

After waiting around 5 minutes, I jumped at the sound of two heavy doors opening. Sitting up I noticed a man walking towards my direction, holding Linnex by his wrists. Linnex had a blank expression on his face, but it all seemed to change when he made eye contact with me.

Sitting him down, his face almost became relaxed as he picked up the phone that was next to him holding it against his ear.

I picked up the telephone that was on my side, lightly holding it to my ear. Still unsure of this entire situation.

The sound of his voice was heard from the other line.

"How are you.."

His voice was low, sadness running through it as he spoke. I gently smoked at him before responding into the telephone.

"There's something I need to tell you.."

His expression stayed the same, letting out a huge deep breath I spoke what needed to be known.

"I'm.. Pregnant."

His face twisted. Worry began to show on it as he slowly responded, hanging his head down.

"Is... Is it okay.."

Biting my lip, images ran through my mind of when he had kicked me in the stomach inside the facility. I shook off the bad memories and answered his question.

"The baby will be okay... 12 weeks along already."

I smiled gently as him, his face looking less worried than it was. He returned the smile, softly speaking.

"Im glad.."

We talked for a couple hours until it was time for me to leave. We reminisced about the old times. We completely avoided all the recent stuff that has happened. It felt as if nothing should be said, we wanted to get on with our lives and return to how we used to be. I'm happy to have my brother back.

Driving back home, I felt more at ease with myself. I totally forgot about Hoseok, I wasn't letting him infiltrate my mind at this current moment.

I opened up the front door and stepped inside, noticed Hoseok sitting back on the couch giving me a deceitful look. His voice was anger as he spoke in a rude manner towards me.

"Where have you been, Adalyn?"

His eyes showed no emotion, he was clearly angry at me.

"I went to the jail to see Linnex."

Quickly getting off of the couch, he looked at me in disgust and utter disappointment beginning to lightly scream at me.

"Didn't I tell you not to go there, Adalyn!"

Anger slowly built its way up inside me, yelling back at him.

"Pretty sure I'm my own person, Hoseok! I don't need permission to go and see my own brother!"

He chuckled to himself, he looked like a mad man. But, I wasn't finished with what I had to say.

"Don't even get me started on what happened earlier, Hosoek. Don't even push my buttons."

He looked completely pissed as he made glaring eye contact with me.

"You mean the girl? Let me guess, you think I'm cheating on you with her?"

I stayed silent. I don't have to respond to a question like that.

"Are you fucking blind, Adalyn! She worked there! A worker!"

Snapping back at him, I made a counter argument at him. He was indeed pushing me to my limit.

"Then why were you two practically on each other, smiling and laughing! Huh!"

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, lightly pulling it as he tried to keep himself from going ballistic.

"I was talking about your pregnancy cravings! She helped me find the fucking food you wanted and said it was an odd combination! I'm so fucking sorry I had a normal conversation with someone about my pregnant girlfriend! How could you even doubt me like that so quickly after everything we've been through, Adalyn?!"

His eyes were watering by now as he yelled at me. I was completely at a lost for words, realizing my mistake of jumping to conclusions out of spite.

"I don't know, Hoseok... I just-"

He quickly held up his hand, cutting me off. A couple tears fell from his eyes as he looked at me, sadness replacing his facial features instead of anger.

"This is obviously way too much for us. I think...

We should go our separate ways, Adalyn..."


Well... That's sad. Breaking up when she's pregnant. Was it what you were expecting to happen??

I'm still sad to know that this story is coming to an end really soon. You all have been so nice to me. Your support through this has been amazing!

Vote and comment if you're enjoying this story. It means a lot to me, you know. <3

Stay tuned for the next chapter, lovelies----

Have a beautiful day!

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now