The Boys

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It's been days since me and Hoseok had our falling out. He's been keeping his eye out for me and he seems to care for me a lot. I'm hoping nothing bad will happen. He wants me to tell him what has been happening at home but I haven't gotten the nerve to tell him. He doesn't dig for the answer, he just accepts it. I will tell him sometime.. I just can't.. Right now..


Snapping out of my thoughts, I look up to a worried Hoseok handing me a cup of coffee. Smiling, I reached grabbing the cup of coffee. The worried face was still written all over him, he could see right through me.

"Are you feeling alright today?"

I let out a sigh and looked at him, taking a sip of my coffee letting the tip of my tongue burn with the first intake.

"I've been the same, you shouldn't worry about me so much."

I watched him look down at his coffee and quickly look up at me and smile widely.

"I know silly, but I want to. Ever since your clumsy butt fell and got smacked with a can, my protective instincts kicked in."

He gave a really cheeky smile and winked at me, I could tell he was trying to keep me happy and not letting me lose myself.

Deciding to give him what he wants, I gave him a genuine smile to match his own causing him to blush and look away shyly.

"You know, Adalyn, I always like when you smile like that."

My body felt hot, flustered, and I could feel my face get red. I knew I was gaining feelings for the beautiful creature in front of me but I didn't want to make my life more complicated than it was. Quickly shaking off the unknown sensations taking over my body , I waved my hand in front of him to catch his attention.

"Is there anything that you wanted to do today?"

His face seemed to brighten up when he heard my question.

"Yes! Theres somewhere I want to take you today but I want to wait a little bit."

I smiled at his response and his eyes seemed to sadden as he was lost in what seemed like a thought.


He looked into my eyes and opened his mouth for a split second and closed it again. He let out a quick breath of air and sighed in frustration.

"How is.. How is your bruise doing?"

We've only talked about this once, the only time being when he seen in the first time a couple days ago. We have avoided any possible things that would cause for us to talk about the bruise but today he was concerned.
I rolled up my sleeve to let the black-ish purple bruise show. The color isn't at deep as it was and the fingernail cuts have closed up.
I moved my forearm towards Hoseok for him to see but his eyes were latched on from the minute I went to roll up my sleeve.

"It looks better than before.."

His voice seemed to crack under the sadness he was trying to hide. I could tell he was thinking about the first time he seem it and I slowly watched his heart break in his eyes as he looked at the bruise covering my forearm.

"I know.."

I had absolutely nothing else to say about it from fear of him questioning again on what has been happening. He's been keeping his patience with me and I'm grateful for that but we both know I can't keep it secret forever.
He looked up at me and smiled slightly, clearly holding back the emotional pain he was experiencing.

"Tell me soon, okay?"

I nodded and watched him stand up and smile bigger at me, taking my hand in his.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now