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I'm sorry for publishing this chapter so soon after just publishing the last one a couple hours ago BUT I SERIOUSLY COULD NOT HELP IT! THIS CHAPTER MAKES ME SO EXCITED.



Slowly opening my eyes, I jumped noticing I wasn't in my bedroom anymore.

The room I was in was white, it looked old. Cracks were in the wall and it was in desperate need of a new paint job. There was a window positioned in the middle of the far wall, barred shut.


Was it morning already?

I sat up from where I was laying, looking down at it.

A bed?

Quickly scrambling off the bed, I ran towards the door.


I looked around the room, walking over towards the barred window and looking out of it.

Why does the landscape look familiar...

Noticing a sign a little bit away, I tried my hardest to read it.

'BTSR Facility'

I backed away from the window, falling against the bed. I whispered to myself as I held my knees close to my chest.

"Why am I here.."

Fear took over my body as the room door made a creaking noise as it opened.

Linnex poked his head inside, smiling his twisted smile as he looked at me.

"Oh.. You're awake?"

I quickly got off my bed, walking towards him.


My body instantly hit the floor after Linnex punched me in the jaw.

I held my face, looking up at him as he kneeled down to me.

"You know what this place is, Adalyn?"

Nodding, he stood up and swung his foot into my stomach knocking my body completely over.

He circled around me, never letting his eyes leave my face.

"This is where you sent me, Adalyn."

I managed to sit back up, clenching my stomach.

It hurts..


He kicked my arm, knocking me to the sidelines the floor.

"Do you know what they did to me here?"

I bit my lip, tears already running down my face from the pain.

"Yes.. Linnex.. I know everything."

He kneeled down once more to me, grabbing my jaw making me look directly at him.


I swallowed my tears, looking into his dark eyes.

"I found out everything they did to you.."

He threw my jaw in the direction of the floor before standing up and screaming.


I coughed slightly as I looked at him once more.

"A nurse.. She told me what had happened. She used to work here."

He laughed to himself as he walked over to the window, looking out.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now