Are You Ready PT. 1

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Moving my hand slowly underneath the covers, searching for something.


His blanket was covering a part of my face, able to breath in his scent.

I miss him.

My eyes still closed, I continued to search in the empty bed for him. Hoping that all this would be a dream.

It wasn't.

Slowly opening my eyes, I was alone.

I lifted up my exhausted body, keeping the covers tightly wrapped around me still. Swinging my legs off of the bed, letting them hit the cold floor beneath me. I stood up, keeping the cover On. Sighing, I unwrapped myself and tossed his blanket on his bed not bothering to make it.

Practically dragging my body to his door, I swung it open lightly and made my way down the hallway. Hearing a familiar voice, I stopped in my tracks.


I shrugged off that preposterous idea, continuing down the hallway. Only to be stopped again by hearing a conversation already happening inside the kitchen. Quickly stopping beside the archway to the kitchen, I listened closer.

"I'm so sorry, Jin. You know I would never hurt her.. I don't know what's going on with me..."

It was Hoseok..

My mind burned with a million question. He had a certain sadness mixed in with his words. Sniffling filled the couple of seconds between voices.

"You needed a little break to yourself. I'm sure it's hard caring so much for her and not being able to save her from what recently happened. You're stressed, Hoseok."

Hoseok let out a rough sigh at Jins words.

"How is she.."

There was a little bit of silence before Jin started talking.

"Why don't you go and find out."

Hearing that last sentence, I quickly ran to my room. Swinging my room open and lightly closing it, I sat at the edge of my bed. My heart was beating hard and fast. I felt like crying, but why?

Knock knock.

Before I could even get anything out, Hoseok spoke first.

"Adalyn, I know how mad you are at me, but I really need to talk to you... please let me in."

The words almost felt like bullets, making their through my heart. I could hear his sniffling again, was he crying?

My voice cracked slightly as I answered him, anxiety having been heard through my words.


I watched the door knob turn slightly before lightly being pushed open. His head was hung down as he stepped completely inside my room. He slowly raised his head up, looking at me.

He was a complete mess.

His eyes were red and puffy. His lips were dry, his face being paler than normal. His hair was unwashed, sticking out in different places. His clothes hung off of him, his body slumped over slightly like he was carrying the entire world on his back.

But yet..

He was still perfect.

He coughed slightly, wiping his nose as he sniffles again.

"Adalyn, I know I'm a complete mess. I know. I just... Couldn't take care of myself knowing what I did to you.. I couldn't get the look of your face out of my head.. The frightened look on your face that I caused. It haunted me. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't do anything."

Tears started falling, dripping down his cheeks and onto the floor. He fell to his knees, shoving his face into his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Adalyn..."

All I could do was look at him. Watching and seeing him like this instantly broke my heart. I was dumbfounded. Quickly getting off of my bed and running towards him, I dropped to my knees. I grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face making him look at me.


Within seconds he found his way to my lips, kissing me rough yet sweetly. His dry lips still felt smooth against my own. He bright his hands up to my face, pushing my hair behind my ear.

Pulling back, letting our foreheads rest on one another, we looked into each other's eyes.

"Don't you ever leave me again.."

He quickly pressed his lips against mine one last time before standing up, helping me up to my feet as well. He slowly stroked the side of my face as he whispered against my lips.

"I'll never leave you again.."

The kiss for more intense as our bodies collided with each other, his hands gripping my waist and shoving me against him. He slowly backed me up, causing us to fall on top of my bed. His body hung dangerously close to my own, resting between my legs.

Licking my lower lip, begging for entrance, I let him in. The feeling of his tongue against mine was almost too much to bare.

He tightly gripped my hip before slowly sliding his hand down to the underside of my thigh.

My hands found there way down his chest and onto the top part of his pants, lightly tugging.

He pulled away from out heated kiss, both of us breathing heavy, he looked into my eyes and lightly smiled.

"Are you sure you're ready.."



The next chapter will be complete smut. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Anyways, how have you all been? ^~^ I update nearly every day, better than once a week right? ;P

You all have been so generous to me throughout this story. I want you guys to know how much I appreciate your comments and votes. You give me so much motivation! <3

(P.S. the reason this chapter is seriously short is because it's 1 out of 2 parts for this chapter. If I would have combined both, it would have been super long. I hope you don't mind ^~^)

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