Comedy turned into Horror

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I woke up to something rustling under the covers, Hoseoks leg. He's been persistent on me sleeping with him every night because he's afraid Linnex might break in, in the middle of the night. I understand his concern but I wish he wouldn't move so much in his sleep!

It's been weeks since we had our last incident with Linnex. Jin has been on edge lately, looking out for all of his boys. Hoseok smiles dearly at me but, you can tell he still fears for me. The rest of the boys, they're completely clueless on what's been happening. I don't want everyone to worry.

Silently lifting off of Hoseoks arm, I looked at his sleeping face and I couldn't help but smile gently to myself. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I hate to wake him up from his sleep but I just know he'll wake up as soon as I get away from his reach. Still, I moved softly, removing the covers off my body and untangling myself, stepping my first foot against the cold floor.

".. Adalyn.."

I silently cursed under my breath before turning my head to see a sleepy Hoseok. His eyes were barely open and swollen, even his hair was a complete mess, yet, he still looked perfect.

"Go back to sleep."

Gently pulling the covers over him and running my fingers through his hair, I was able to get him to fall back asleep. Quickly moving off the bed and out the door, trying desperately hard not to wake him, I made it the kitchen.

I scanned the kitchen, noticing someone sitting at the table, face in their hands.


He was almost startled at my sudden approach and he quickly smiled at me, but, you could tell that he was still on edge.

"Why are you up so early? Where J-hope?"

I grinned back at him before taking a place next to him at the kitchen table.

"I made him go back to sleep, everyone is so edgy lately so I decided he needed more sleep. Why are you up so early Jin?"

Making eye contact with him, he quickly chuckled under his breath and stood up from his chair.

"Because I have to feed my babies!"

He grabbed him pink apron off the side of the chair and wrapped it around his neck and waist before winking at me.

"I may be momma Jin but secretly deep down I'm Princess Jin as well~"

He grinned widely before turning towards the cabinets, searching through them until he found what he wanted. He lifted the box up towards me for me to see.


"Want to help me make these?"

I smiled quickly before getting out of my chair and walking towards him grabbing the box and reading the directions of what I need.


Making pancakes with Jin is definitely something everyone should experience. By the time we made the pancakes I had to go to my room and change my clothes because we.. Got into a food fight. We laughed hard at each other as we threw tiny pieces of pancake batter at each other. It's a surprise no one woke up to how loud we were.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now