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Its been weeks since I've heard or seen anything from Linnex. Maybe he's too scared to come after me again, I'm not sure anymore.

I walked into the kitchen, walking away from V and Rap Monsters "intense" competitive video gaming. I can still hear them screaming at the TV.

Jin was slowly searching through the cabinets and sighing loudly.

"Jin, is everything okay..?"

He turned around to me and smiled gently, closing the cabinets.

"Of course~ there's just nothing to cook. I really need to go grocery shopping."

He walked over to the refrigerator, opening it but suddenly shutting it. Turning around with his mouthy slightly open, a thought running through his head.

"Let's go to a restaurant!"

Running over to me, grabbing my hands into his and lightly jumping up and down. You could definitely tell he was excited.

"We can all dress nicely! I can even help with your outfit and makeup!"

He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered.

"I even know what Hoseok likes~"

My face turned a bright red, as those words registered in my mind.

"Now go and take a shower so I can do your hair~"

He walked away from me and out of the kitchen, telling all of the boys to get cleaned up and ready for a restaurant.

I quickly ran to the bathroom at the end of the hall, barging in without even thinking to knock. I ended up stopping in my tracks..

Hoseok had a towel wrapped around his waist, holding a tooth brush in his mouth. He glanced at me, absolutely no emotion, then smirking at me. It was hard to understand what he said with a tooth brush in his mouth.


My face burned up from looking at his bare chest. I quickly bowed and shut the door.


My mind was screaming as images of Hoseoks chest ran through my mind. The door flung open in front of me and Hoseok stood there, finished brushing his teeth. He grinned widely at me before winking.

"You can have the bathroom now."

I walked past him, my face red hot and slammed the door behind me. I could hear Hoseok laugh as he walked down the hallway. What a tease..


Stepping out of the shower, I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed one out. I made sure to check before I actually got into the shower.

I wrapped the towel around my body and slipped out of the bathroom door. Walking down the hallway, I passed Jimin making him stop in his tracks and look at me.

"Too bad you're already Hoseoks!"

I peered backwards at him and laughed while flicking him off.

"Hush up Jimin, you've already got Jungkook!"

He giggled and walked to where he was heading.

Opening up my bedroom door, not even two seconds later, Jin opened the door and walked in.

"Don't mind me~ I promise I won't look. I just came here to help you with your outfit."

He walked over to my closet and opened the doors, looking through everything.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now