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"How did he even get our address?"

Jin looked angry and scared all in one. I felt bad for bringing this house hold into this mess..
He must have noticed how depressed I looked and quickly wrapped his arms around me, comforting me.

"I promise we'll keep you safe Adalyn."

I let a couple tears stain my cheeks as he pulled away from me, wiping my tears and smiling down at me.

"This is just between you, me, and Hoseok. We can't scare the other boys."

He looked at Hoseok and both nodded in agreement. Suddenly both of their eyes locked on me and I could feel my body mentally shy away from their eyes.

"Don't leave this house without Hoseok until this all gets cleared up, understand?"

He smiled lightly, he was trying to be stern just as a mother figure would. He cares about my well being, that much is clear.

"You need to go unpack, I'll be in the other room keeping the boys busy and not raising any suspicions."

He gave us a warm smile and disappeared into one of the doorways.
Hoseok looked down at me and quickly grabbed my body into his, squeezing me ever so lightly.

"I promise, I'll do everything I can to protect you."

Looking up at him with tears in my eyes, I smiled. I'm willing to let him into my heart, he really is my only hope now.

"Can we go and unpack my stuff?"

Asking as politely as I could without choking on my overflowing emotions.

He smiled down at me and let me go, grabbing a couple boxes that he had thrown down earlier.

"Of course."

Leading the way to my room, I pointed to where he could put the boxes that would be close to reach as I unpack.
Grabbing out clothes, jewelry, pictures, etc.
My hands seemed to freeze as I noticed one of the pictures.

It was me and Linnex when we were younger. He had a smile on his face as he was pushing me in a swing and the picture burned a hole throw my heart as I remembered how happy and normal things used to be.
My mind wondered into the lost memories inside my head.


Walking home from the middle school alone, Linnex had been having some hard times in high school. No one would tell me what was happening, he just stayed home and refused to go to school anymore.

I walked around the corner of a store to find Linnex quickly shoving a tiny baggy in his pocket, handing money over to a mysterious man.


He quickly looked at me and nodded to the man before hurriedly walking over to me and leaned down to my ear.

"Don't tell anyone."

He lifted back up and gave me a warm smile before taking my hand in his and walking towards the house. I couldn't help but wonder what he meant.

A couple hours went by and our family dinner had been the same, Linnex teasing me about my food and how I should eat to grow, patting my head with a warm smile.
I watched my mother grab some sugar from a jar for the dessert cookies that we naturally made after dinner. My eyes widening, looking at Linnex.

"Bubbie, is that what you have in the bag from earlier today?"

It was word vomit.

His eyes widened as our mother dropped her spoon and quickly turned around to face me and Linnex.

".. What is she talking about?"

Linnex averted his eyes from our mothers death glare and stared down at the table top.

"It's nothing.."

She walked over to Linnex and whispered something in his ear, making him quickly stand up and walk upstairs with mother close behind him. A couple minutes passed and I could hear her screaming, I couldn't make out what she was saying but it turned into a crying scream and calling for our father.

The next morning when I got up, I walked straight to Linnex's room to do our daily routine of me asking him if he was going to come to school today but, no one was in there.
Walking downstairs I met with my mother and looked up at her.

"Where's bubbie?"

She sighed slightly before looking at me sentimentally.

"He's getting help right now Adalyn."

That was the last thing I heard about Linnex for the next 9 lonely months.


Walking home from school, another normal day. I stepped inside the front door yelling that I was home and taking off my shoes. Swiftly making my way up the stairs and down the hallway, Linnex's room caught my eye. His door was slightly open and my curiosity getting the better of me, I slowly peered in his room only to find what I thought was Linnex staring out the window.

I rushed inside excited to see him after so long.


He turned his head, making me stop in my tracks. His eyes were dark and sunk in. His physical appearance seemed too slim and his demeanor was sloppy.


"Don't call me that."

He snapped at me while I quickly looked at the ground. He slowly lifted up and walked towards me taking my jaw into the palm of his hand, glaring downwards at me.

".. I told you not to tell anyone."

He forcefully dragged my jaw to the right, before completely shoving me against the floor.
I carefully looked up at him in disbelief as he was slightly chuckling down at me.

"So pathetic. I better not hear one peep of this incident either.. Baby sister."

Flashback over

I stared at the picture for a moment longer before setting it to the side of me.

Linnex, my older brother. The one boy I loved with all of my heart, turned into a sick twisted man.

Will you ever come back to me?


Sorry for this incredibly short chapter!
I also want to apologize for taking me a little bit to write this chapter, I've been caught up with school work. I hope you understand!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Please vote and comment, it definitely gives me motivation to continue on ^~^


(Next chapter will be up tomorrow!!)

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