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My throat tightened as I instantly recognized that voice.


I quickly turned around and scanned the restaurant. He must be close by if he knew I was dining here.

"I hope you didn't think I forgot about you. I'll be back soon for you, to finish what we started."

Beeping rang in my ear, directly after the other line hung up. I stood there with the phone tightly held to me ear. Quickly taking a deep breath and fixing my posture, I brushed off the fear in my chest and stomach. I have Hoseok and the boys. I know they'll do their best to protect me. I just need to make sure they are with me at all times. You've got this, Adalyn. Face it or he'll never leave.

Setting the phone back down in its holder, I thanked the woman who led me to the phone. She kindly walked me back to my table, the food already prepared on the table. I took my seat and readied my utensils to eat, stay strong.

You're protected..


After the dinner was completed, everyone full and now just having conversation around the time with each other.

"I cant believe you rubbed jungkook's foot! You're such a pervert J-hope~"

"Yeah, such a pervert for our little Maknae~"

Rap monster and Suga were giving Hoseok a hard time and laughing when he finally had enough, playfully punching them in the arms.

Jin looked at his watch and gasped.

"It's so late! Is everyone ready to leave?"

We all nodded and got up from our seats, thanking the waitress that served us and telling the host what a terrific time we had. All of us piling into the car, to head home after this long night.


Arriving home, I got out of the car first. I walked towards the front door, Jin running past me just in time to open the front door and hold his hand out gesturing me to go through. Bowing at him as I got inside, I turned around to see Hoseok with a strange look on his face. Almost.. Like he was grossed out?

"Everything okay?"

He shook his head and gave me a big smile before picking me up and spinning me around.

"Everything is perfect, Adalyn."


I woke up the next morning, sun coming in through my curtains waking me. Holding my arm above my head to block the light, I got out from under my covers and onto the floor. Not bothering to change out of my pajama pants and loose shirt, I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

"Good morning, sunshine!~"

Jin was holding a skillet up, letting me see the egg he was preparing.

"Do you want an egg?"

I smiled and nodded, sitting down in the kitchen table chair. Jin swiftly made his way next to me, carrying a plate and setting it in front of me.

"Specially prepared for you by this princess~"

I giggled slightly as he took his seat beside me.

"So how have you been holding up?"

I took a bite of my eggs and shrugged.

When No One Else Can See Your Pain (BTS Jhope Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now