Chapter 1: Catching Up

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"True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's being separated and nothing changes." -Anonymous


This place hadn't changed a bit since the last time I was here, which was like 3 or 4 years ago. The buildings in the military base are still the same, the road with a lot of trees on the side and a very peaceful environment. I can't stop myself from reminiscing the moments with my friends when we used to stroll here back when we were young. I also remember that there were a beach and a golf course at other side of this place. I was really enjoying my view while walking at the side of the road when my phone rang. I haven't said 'Hello' yet when she started to talk. "Hey, where are you? What's taking you so long?"  She asked impatiently. Well, that's Jordine for you. She's one of my closest friends ever since my family moved here in Palawan. I met her when I transferred to Chen International School, one of the schools in the province.

"I just entered the front gate. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I told her.

"What? 15 minutes?!" She asked, may I add hysterically. "You said you're inside the base now, why 15 minutes?"She paused. "Are you walking?" She said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

I smiled, she got it right. "Yes, I'm walking. The tricycle that I hired is not allowed to go in here so now I'm walking to reach your house." I explained. (If anyone of you wonder what a tricycle is, it is a motorcycle with a covered side car that is a public vehicle or mode of transportation in the Philippines.)

"Alright, I'll ask Brent to pick you up." Then she hung up. I continued walking while waiting for Brent, her boyfriend, also my friend to pick me up.

Jordine was waiting at the porch when we reach her house. "Amethyst!" She run towards me and hugged me. "Come on, I cooked our favorite spaghetti earlier. And we can watch some movie just like the old times." Then she ushered me inside, leaving Brent outside while parking his motorcycle.

"So, how was life? You and Adam?" She asked while we are eating.

"Mmmn.." I can't hardly make a word since I'm still chewing. "Life is okay. My cat, Michee is already a father of 3 kittens, Miley, Taylor and Perry. Then his wife, Mathilda, she voluntarily made us adopt her." I said comically. "And for Adam and I, well... we broke up 3 months ago." She stopped eating when I said that. Adam and I lasted for 2 years and everything was doing great between us, that's as far as everyone knows actually.

She looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. "I didn't know." She said.

"No one knows." I smiled. "On my part, I mean, no one knows yet aside from you now" I paused. "And stop looking at me like you're sorry." Then I crumpled a tissue and threw it to her. "Both of us decided to part ways."

"What happened? I thought- "

"Hey Jordine, Amethyst! I have to go, I'll be back later." Brent shouted from the outside.

"K. Take care!" Jordine shouted back. "He has to go to school on his sister's behalf for Kianna." She told me. Kianna was his niece. "So, what happened?" She continued.

"There are a lot of reasons for us not to be together anymore. I mean culture wise, he's foreign. Though he loved me, I know he do. I also did. But we keep on clashing on something and it's not healthy." I smiled. "Our break up brought peace to me actually."

"Why can't you try it again? I mean, you look good together. Not as good as you were with Luke , but still good." She said. She's always been a team Luke as well as I was on team Brent.

I stared at her for a while, "He never moved on with Luke." I told her.

"He never... Wait, what?" She asked scandalously.

"Filthy mind, are we?" I smirked at her. "I mean, he can't get over the fact that I used to love anyone before him. It even includes Luke in some of our fights, and he's getting more pissed when I'm taking Luke's side as per him." I paused, emphasizing the word. "He thought that it's always been Luke for me. The sad thing is, I don't even know whether he's just assuming things or he's right all along since he's always telling me that."

Shock showed in Jordine's face, "Oh my gosh, I-I... You looked so good together, I didn't see that coming." She paused. "Of course, I like Luke though, for you, I mean"

"There were fights in every relationship, Jordie. It's just that Luke is one of the most common issue." I said coolly. Then I shifted from my seat. "I used to be a possessive girlfriend. It wasn't always him who's at fault here. I was not perfect as well."

"In less than 4 weeks, it will be Khael's birthday." She bit her bottom lip, I can still see the longing and sadness in her eyes even if her son had already passed. It was not a successful delivery and her family and Brent had to choose whether they'll save her or the baby's life, they chose her. "We'll have a simple celebration on his 4th birthday. Our batch mates are invited."

"Oh really that's great! It'll be a mini reunion then?" I paused. "Don't make me help you cook Jordie, you know how am I like in the kitchen." I said trying to lit up the mood.

She smiled a little, it looks like something is holding her back. "A, Luke's here. Luke's going to be there too."

My jaw dropped open. I reached my phone and looked at the calendar, 14th of September. I am meeting Luke in 27 days.

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