Chapter 11: Going to Hell... Party, I mean

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"Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell." -Criss Jami, Killosophy


"14 blue balloons. I guess, Khael would like it. I'm his favorite godmother afterall." I winked at Gene while we are looking for something that our deceased godson would like for a gift.

"How'd you even know that you are his favorite?" She asked.

"Cuz I'm everyone's favorite." I said proudly.

"It's kinda windy." Gene snorted. "Rex, you going?" He stayed with us for a while he let his girlfriend and her sister go to some shop.

"Not sure." He said while he's checking out the toy cars. "Who's going?"

"Everyone in our batch is invited. More like a reunion for us." I answered. "Bring Colleen with you." Talking about his girlfriend.

"She's awkward to strangers." He said casually. "I'll let you know, A." He smiled.

"It's a party, you won't say no to it." I grinned at him.


"Come on you two, we have to be there!" Jenny whined while she's talking with Gene and I on the phone.

"No, not into parties here." Gene objected. Both of us are not into attending parties that much compared to Jenny, which is understandable since she's very sociable. "Neither A will attend." She added.

"There'd be lots of food there! And it's the senior's party. It'll be fun!" Jenny said

"And drinks too. Alcoholic one." I grimaced.

"Exactly. No point of attending." Gene snorted. "There'll be teenagers with ranging hormones and liquors."

"Wallace will be there." Jenny told Gene. Wallace is in the senior year and Gene's crush.

"Wallace Jacobson?" I asked Jenny. He's in a senior year, a good guy and a leader. He's actually the Student Government President.

"Uh-huh." Jenny said. It's obvious that she'll win this argument and Gene and I will probably go to that hormonal teenage party.

"He won't go to that kind of party!" Gene defended.

"In case you forgot Gene, I am a part of the Student Body Government and close to Wallace. So every information I feed you about him are REAL." I know she's rolling her eyes. "Rihanna will be going to that party too, so he has to look after his sister. And for goodness sake, we will not drink any alcoholic bev. Like I will even drive you home drunk. Duh."

Jenny got a point there. But still, I personally don't wanna go. For sure, Luke and his friends are going, popular and rich kids always go to parties. ALWAYS.

"He's really going?" Gene asked.

Oh no, we're really going. "Gene!" I almost shouted. "I will not come with you." I said sternly.

"Scared to see Luke and Rain making out?" Jenny chuckled.

"No!" I denied.

"Why won't you come with us then?" Jenny tried to provoke me and it's working!

"I'll definitely come!" Gene said. The hell? She changed her mind that fast? How could she betray me for Wallace?

"Scaredy cat." Jenny said.

"Alright, alright. We'll go to that party then."

Days passed by faster than I expected. Today is the last day of our final exam and tonight is the Harlington twins' party. These two pretty guys are the sons of the province's governor, their mother is the only daughter of one f the well known business tycoon in the country. So again, I am wondering why and how did I ever get into this kind of school. The answer ladies and gentlemen, will remain a mystery.

"Woohoo! School's over! We're going to party tonight!" Jenny exclaimed in our classroom as soon as our teacher left. "Right, A?" Almost all of our classmates looked at my direction, including Luke, as soon as she asked me, they know very well that I don't go into parties, parties with liquor I mean. I haven't even set my foot once in a bar. I am a minor, anyway.

"Huh?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You're going, A?" Rex asked, he looked surprise and happy.

"I guess so." I muttered and looked down. Damn you Jenny! Damn you! I don't wanna go.

Rex suddenly embraced me by my side and saw him grinned, "I'm gonna give you a ride then!" He exclaimed.

"That would be fun, A!" One of the jock said.

"Hey Rex, stop dreaming. I will give her a ride." Jenny said.

As I continued laughing when Jenny and Rex keep on pissing each other, I noticed Luke and his friend leave of our room with Rain when Vince called me, "See you later, A!" Then he smiled at me, that kind of smile that the girls always screamed for, he's really good looking.

"Yeah, as much as I don't want to Vince." I made it sound like a joke but I actually mean it.

"Sure you'd love to see me." He winked and laughed. Luke glared at him and saw him look darkly at me. What the hell have I done again?

"Vince, faster! Let's go, I wanna drop by to that candy shop!" Rain said as they continued walking.

What is with this people that seem to be so ecstatic knowing that I'll go to party?

Because you are going to hell, Amethyst. My conscience told me.

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